2021-05-18 03:31

This King is here to enlighten all you lowly mongrels to the master piece that is this story. This story has great writing quality, story development, and world background. Character design is also great but considering that the characters are premade the author captured and molded their personalities well to fit the confines of this story. Updating Stability is another matter. Since the story overall was created between 2-3 weeks ago the amount of chapters we have, especially considering their length is very good. However since the Author has mentioned getting inspiration for writing chapters based on the amount comments, ratings, reviews and such things. The Updating Stability is volatile. Chapter releases can increase or decrease all based on the whims of the Author. If he decides the feedback was good maybe we get a daily chapter maybe even 2 chapters a day once in a while. However if he is disappointed by the feedback we may go a few days without chapters. Who Knows it may even get to a point were its weeks. Or maybe the story even gets dropped. Of course so far this hasnt happend as of yet. Well besides the fact that he is waiting for reviews now that ths first arc is done so we arent getting any new chapters. As such the only reason that Update Stability has a 5/5 is one, because the current story deserves it and two, as a way to encourage the Author. If not the rating may have been a 3 simply because of the volitility of it.

Liked by 8 people


Actually update stability can be daily and I mean it. The readers just have to comment and I only ask for reviews at the end of an arc, this can be at least 60 k words or 100 k words. Your review was the type I like but I gave an easy way out for lazy people. They could have just given a score. Nonetheless, I will get back to the story on wednesday because some of you bother to review and comment. Seeing an empty comment and review section makes me think that the story has no worth. When people can't say a thing, to me it means it wasn't worth those few minutes. There is also the fact that I have multiple stories so I can just shuffle between them.


Who is the fml


It was Rika from Digimon Tamers, but I’m pretty sure he also sleeps with other characters. If this is the story I’m remembering he also sleeps with his maid and her Digimon.

OdTA:Who is the fml
Other Reviews

honestly it's a good story, and it's rare to find it on the topic of digimon. the main characters are well described, including their personalities, motives and objectives (I liked that they are more mature and that the MC is not dense when it comes to relationships). the scale of power, until now well structured as far as possible. the dynamics of the powers, organizations of the world, seem to promise something good. in the digital world itself, not much has been presented, but what you can imagine from the communities and circles of the digimon will be interesting waiting for her. what I liked, is the environment presented, you see the most frequent interaction and it influences very closely the digital world in the human world, the dynamics of the strength between the tamer and the digimon (not just behind cheering), digital technology advancing the da earth, human communities revolving around technology and also the power of the digimon that are in charge, the interesting addition of mutations that is a perfectly possible case in this type of environment. as everyone knows that there is a digital world, the dynamics of environments and people's views change their daily lives, coming close to a 'real fictional reality' (than in my opinion it would be, if everyone knew about digimon, the world digital, digimon attacks on the earth and also if the digimon were not only contained in the digital world, digimon caused damage with victims, there were 'intelligent' digimon for certain actions). finally, until now it presents a good story and with a lot of potential.

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