Not gonna lie, I dig the freedom this expresses... like most people might get caught up in the fact that’s shes a woman with four men; but ask yourselves..if it was a man wouldn’t it be socially acceptable for him to have multiple concubines in this era? What’s wrong with a woman who was so suppressed in her past life till the point of dying a pitiful lonely death... what’s wrong with her embracing her newly found freedom and good health! Going from not having any options; in every aspect of living ..let alone having the strength to even be with a man, is something she didn’t have before... In my opinion not having any options is completely different from having the option and not partaking in a opportunity! I feel like it makes a huge difference in a persons outlook in life. So yeah I’m rooting for her, she may be in a polyamorous relationship but isn’t she happy and unrestrained... I feel like that’s what’s really important in this setting.
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LIKEWell I found this lucky ass dufus who seemed to have 2 wives you know what he wrote in his bio " I have two wives looking for a new sister wife 🤣 the thirsty bastard actually said that and his freaking wives were actually picking another wife for him idk how he did it for them to agree to be sister wives and all oh and the funniest part was yes there was a ummm favorite concubine/wife it was a dark hair girl you know what happened when they found a hot ass girl she was like that's not quite what we are looking for in a sister wife 😏 my dude here was just straight hungry and no he had to live in the middle of nowhere to live his life at peace because some people harrassed him to say religious and straight out weirded out reason pretty sad. then there was this girl who had a boyfriend but then cuckold him for another man but didn't really tell him and still wanted to be his girlfriend and the other guys too oh and the other guy knew about him he was probs like ok let me get in here😋😚hahaha then the original boyfriend found out initially mad this dude cuckold him but ok this is his words nothing added "when I laid EYES on him I felt a connection and hugged him" that is not how it usually plays out that is just some of my stories I'd like to share.😊
It looks fun until it comes on nerve after sometime..u will never get stability in your life.. whether it is done by men or women.. thats why there are reasonable structure of life coz..if this story is from ancient may be it is good but still some people have to go from discrimination never be a solution for anything thats why most things have same entry and exit for a reason..well it is story so no problem for that
It looks fun until it comes on nerve after sometime..u will never get stability in your life.. whether it is done by men or women.. thats why there are reasonable structure of life coz..if this story is from ancient may be it is good but still some people have to go from discrimination never be a solution for anything thats why most things have same entry and exit for a reason..well it is story so no problem for that
It looks fun until it comes on nerve after sometime..u will never get stability in your life.. whether it is done by men or women.. thats why there are reasonable structure of life coz..if this story is from ancient may be it is good but still some people have to go from discrimination never be a solution for anything thats why most things have same entry and exit for a reason..well it is story so no problem for that
It looks fun until it comes on nerve after sometime..u will never get stability in your life.. whether it is done by men or women.. thats why there are reasonable structure of life coz..if this story is from ancient may be it is good but still some people have to go from discrimination never be a solution for anything thats why most things have same entry and exit for a reason..well it is story so no problem for that
True.. giving thumb up like this thing only ruin lives and livin' structures and increase confusions and looks good to have with so many whether it is man or woman ..but it only makes them unstable..they will like it for some time..but after they won't manage it well and of course whether u have families or kids..which morals and values will be given to marry many and lost your peace and stability forever.. people can live with happy life when he/she gives priority to their family ,kids and herself..this is enough to live happily and be stable in life and what you want to achieve in your life..well this is story but it gets irritating and, confused and frustated..
True.. giving thumb up like this thing only ruin lives and livin' structures and increase confusions and looks good to have with so many whether it is man or woman ..but it only makes them unstable..they will like it for some time..but after they won't manage it well and of course whether u have families or kids..which morals and values will be given to marry many and lost your peace and stability forever.. people can live with happy life when he/she gives priority to their family ,kids and herself..this is enough to live happily and be stable in life and what you want to achieve in your life..well this is story but it gets irritating and, confused and frustated..
True.. giving thumb up like this thing only ruin lives and livin' structures and increase confusions and looks good to have with so many whether it is man or woman ..but it only makes them unstable..they will like it for some time..but after they won't manage it well and of course whether u have families or kids..which morals and values will be given to marry many and lost your peace and stability forever.. people can live with happy life when he/she gives priority to their family ,kids and herself..this is enough to live happily and be stable in life and what you want to achieve in your life..well this is story but it gets irritating and, confused and frustated..
This comment... I didn’t like it because I agree, or to cause an argument because I can’t handle a little criticism; I genuinely respect that response. At first I laughed because it was very blunt and took me by surprise, then I thought ... Well **** your an asshole who doesn’t think before speaking. So I trolled your account and read some of your responses. 😬 Its not like my opinion matters much here but I appreciate your opinionated responses 👌🏻 refreshing af.