
Review Detail of Azrael4355 in Inevitable Road To Divinity

Review detail


Made it to chapter 94 before i decided to drop the book, mind you the book isn't bad. It checks a lot of boxes. Sadly by chapter 94 it followed the same old tired path of every wuxia novel. Bunch of retarded power hungry spoiled morons who throw their weight around, soon as i hit that section i was like welp time to look for a new book. Now prior to that everything was going great, author made a really good world backdrop and the mc was realistic and refreshing. The thrones concept was also super nice as that adds plenty of room in the story development. Oh how i wish the author avoided the same old super used and generic princesses, prince by the buckets who all act like spoiled morons path. Now if your ok with that then do pick up this book as it is an awesome and fun read. Good luck author keep up the good work i hope to read one of your future books that doesn't follow the same old tired wuxia moronic moves. Cause seriously if you put even 20 morons with immense power and lack of control and totally spoiled in a medieval period city complete with their own guards and backers that city will die and implode in less than a year. You will destroy the economy and security driving everyone out fast not to mention all the ones they will kill just because they are spoiled rotten morons. Now multiply that by say 1000 since you made a sex addicted emperor with a crap ton of kids. Now you see the picture i hope. That city shouldn't exist with those morons running around.


Inevitable Road To Divinity


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Lol, Makes me want to see for myself how such a city would work :D. Guess I'll check it out