
Review Detail of Fiona_Singer in DROPPED - Not So Confident

Review detail


Ah! Finally some romance that doesn't involve bloody cliches and dramas like multi-angle relationships and all those frigging CEO/President rich-family stuff∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Very refreshing. Personally never a pure-romance reader, but I love this work. Again I will do my old habit of deducting what author is like through the text: A person who is at least familiar with the language enough to write like a native and also very into East-Asian culture--because despite the writing style is very American, the way the story begins is just giving me such a strong deja-vu of those Mainland/Taiwanese/Japanese youth romance tv series/anime...except for the one-guy-looking-gay part maybe (laugh), that is more commonly seen in typical western romances. Though the book is overall very good, the biggest shining point in here is the character building--everyone with a name is vividly portraited, especially the MC. I somewhat grew up very similarly to her (though now it's my turn to be the "mysterious cold beauty" in this European college∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Karma's a bxtch) so I can totally feel and sympathize with her emotions, that's the proof enough of the realisticism in the character design. The only reason I'm not giving all-5 is that for a Chinese girl who pretty much saw all types of high-school romance every day back in my time, the story itself wasn't really THAT original--but still because the plots are well-paced and every other aspects are good, it's enjoyable to read nonetheless, even for a non-romance lover like me. P.S. I don't know if the author knows but there's a really famous celebrity in China who goes by the name Lu Han so I keep placing him in the story and can't help laughing (I'm not a fan of his, though). And Unravel XDDD I'm guessing you are a Tokyo Ghoul fan, yes? I've watched some of it and I know the song back and forward because it's so famous. But personally I still prefer Glassy Sky and yes I learnt this song∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


DROPPED - Not So Confident


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LOL I couldn’t think of a good Chinese name so I started to use Chinese celebrities names. 😂 Thanks for the advice! :D


I’ve watched/read a lot of manga, manhwa, kdrama, news, and so on, so maybe that’s why it’s similar to more East-Asian style. Its pretty interesting to know that I write very American but give East Asian vibes lol!