
Review Detail of ExperimentalWriter in Endless Vertex

Review detail


Hello, Don't mind the unusual rating level, 3.8 is considered high-tier by me. To me, this novel looks pretty good. However, I ask that you proofread your novel at least once after writing, as there are a few grammar mistakes. Otherwise, I can't offer you too much more advice. Your writing actually seems very similar to mine when I was a bit younger, I can tell that you're at a stage where you have the skills in language arts to begin writing a webnovel, unlike the bad fanfiction that plagues this site. At his point in your writing career you should really think about developing your unique style, you're almost there. To improve, I think there are two things to do: first is to think. Think about what your readers will think when they read the conversations and sentences, because some of them don't flow vey well, and occasionally the dialogue is a bit too cliche or edgy, although that's very normal for us ******* writers. The second is to READ. Find an actual complicated 300 page novel for adults that fits the tone of what you're writing, or is at least in the same genre. Read a book about post apoc or dark mercenaries with superpowers trying to make their living in a corrupt world. An author's writing style is a compilation of everything they've read, so by reading you can get much better at writing artistic and meaningful sentences in your work. For my novel, I read up a lot of HP Lovecraft's horror stories, who is what I based the MC on. Like my MC, he is sometimes arrogant and condescending, and writes in a very fake-polite tone. You can see that reading helps develop character. Before I go, you replied to my thread about reviewing novels... So now you have an obligation to read mine. MUHAHAH! Don't worry, it's only 6K words. :D


Endless Vertex


Liked by 2 people




Thank you so much for taking so much time to write an advise. I really appreciate it and I’ll do my best to improve. 😊