
Review Detail of HolloH in Dragon ball: The legend of human

Review detail


Really poor grammar. Many incomplete sentences. No logical flow to the plot. Facts that might as well be hyperboles. Explains quite literally no aspects of story, assuming you know about DB. Character appearance, personality, backstory, etc. only brought up on the dime for the story’s convenience. I’m lost how stories like this keep getting voted so high, I guess a large part of the community doesn’t mind any of what I’ve stated above... somehow...


Dragon ball: The legend of human


Liked by 1 people




Yeah although i agree some personality of other characters are a bit reduced (like how dr brief agrees quickly to build the mc spaceship and how the yadrats try to teach mc a secret technique that even goku doesnt learn) but pls consider that this is a new author(if im not wrong) and not those experienced authors lol and so far it has great story and potential. And this is a fanfic the readers are usually a db fan although i know theres a few people who doesnt know db still read the fanfic. And so far the story is quite logical so i dont know what you mean by no logical flow to the plot? As for the languages not all people have english as their main language and so far the english is good (although some sentence need arrangements / changes but im sure tje majority of people can still understand as it is not that bad)


Yeah although i agree some personality of other characters are a bit reduced (like how dr brief agrees quickly to build the mc spaceship and how the yadrats try to teach mc a secret technique that even goku doesnt learn) but pls consider that this is a new author(if im not wrong) and not those experienced authors lol and so far it has great story and potential. And this is a fanfic the readers are usually a db fan although i know theres a few people who doesnt know db still read the fanfic. And so far the story is quite logical so i dont know what you mean by no logical flow to the plot? As for the languages not all people have english as their main language and so far the english is good (although some sentence need arrangements / changes but im sure tje majority of people can still understand as it is not that bad)