The author said no harem but its actually This is why I don't trust people
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LIKEWho is the actual love interest? Is it more than one girl? Which girls follow him around? Don't really want to pick up another harem novel
DemonGodHiatus:Some people view harem differently. Some view them as nothing more than cum dumpsters, while others see them as girls who follow the MC everywhere with a clear crush on him. It depends.
Para ser sincero, el problema en si no es el harén. El problema es que no haya romance eso es una novela tragica y en mi opinión si no hay romance y aunque sea 1 ecena +18 la novela no esta completa en mi opinión. Seamos sinceros no venimos aqui por los poderes del mc eso es secundario, venimos por las mujeres. Si la historia de Naruto fuera de puros personajes Hombres te aseguro que nadie en su sano juicio escribiria alguna historia relacionada.
DemonGodHiatus:Some people view harem differently. Some view them as nothing more than cum dumpsters, while others see them as girls who follow the MC everywhere with a clear crush on him. It depends.