
Review Detail of ComatoseDragon in Supreme Magus

Review detail


Thank you Author for sharing this story with us. I have read novels for more than 6 years and Supreme Magus is my undisputed #1 novel overall. Status: c2111 read Initially, I was hesitant to pick up this novel because it had over 2000+ chapters, but once I finished the 3 prologue chapters I was hooked; I was committed. For the next 2 weeks, I spent 12+ hours everyday binge reading until I was finally caught up to current releases and I enjoyed every minute. The Author's pacing is consistent. It seems like every event and situation is thought out and planned in advance before writing, avoiding awkward lulls or breaks in the story. The transitioning and storytelling is natural and concise. Events are not forced upon the characters to fulfill overused tropes or bland stereotypes commonly seen in every other novel. Nor are they excessive to achieve self-inserted dreams of grandeur like other authors. The magic system of power is original and its utilities are ingenious, in comparison to other Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V power systems in other novels. The Author spent time structuring the magic in a logical and simplistic way unlike the best I've read, considering all the different facets and spells used by all the characters. The world keeps revolving even when our protagonist Lith goes to sleep. Characters keep breathing and living their lives even if the focus is on Lith and his friends. And that is exactly how the characters feel in this novel: Alive. Each character possesses their own persona that creates interesting dialogue and unique interactions between eachother and this is my favorite aspect of this novel. I'm proud of how much Derek/Lith has overcome mentally and grown over time. I hope Solus will finally be able to conquer her past and become a separate individual from Lith. I felt my heart break when Kamila broke up with Lith, but I internally screamed when Kamila deserted the Kingdom and proposed to Lith and got back together. I feel the love Lith and Kamila have for eachother in every word they speak. I could continue, but that would make my review longer than it already is. The Author created characters that I love and when I caught up to the current releases, I started looking for other novels that had the same type of character interaction. Sadly, I never found anything that scratched the itch and I keep coming back to Supreme Magus. Although, I feel like there is potential to the story the Author is limiting when he limits/misses possible dialogue and interactions between characters, like during the party Marth held at the White Griffon: Lith showed up and only talked to Marth and Wanemyre once each, but didn't do anything else. That is one of my few critiques about this novel, also everytime Solus says "By my Mom!" gets annoying quick even though I understand it's her equivalent of "Oh my God!" and there was an awkward period of 100-200 chapters where every character said, "F--- me sideways!" as a remark in short repetition. Once again, thank you Legion20 for the brilliant story and I'm looking forward to future chapters and possibly future works of yours.

Supreme Magus


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And why he became the ernas household healer ??? This things I don’t understand

ComatoseDragon:***SPOILER WARNING*** I'm currently caught up to c2128, story hasn't addressed Lith doing anything major to get his lifespan back. He researched possible alternatives to restore his life force but nothing conclusive. In the latest chapters he is too busy fighting in the War of the Griffons to have any time to settle his lifespan problem. Strength-wise: Lith is still growing steadily and discovering his bloodline powers and has his individual advantages and disadvantages regarding combat power. He is still a monster-level individual considering his growth speed compared to the status quo.

Please tell will he get his lifespan back and will he be weak ???


***SPOILER WARNING*** I'm currently caught up to c2128, story hasn't addressed Lith doing anything major to get his lifespan back. He researched possible alternatives to restore his life force but nothing conclusive. In the latest chapters he is too busy fighting in the War of the Griffons to have any time to settle his lifespan problem. Strength-wise: Lith is still growing steadily and discovering his bloodline powers and has his individual advantages and disadvantages regarding combat power. He is still a monster-level individual considering his growth speed compared to the status quo.

Harsh_Raj_Sahu:Please tell will he get his lifespan back and will he be weak ???

I am asking Decreasing his life span effects his powers or make him weak????

ComatoseDragon:***SPOILER WARNING*** I'm currently caught up to c2128, story hasn't addressed Lith doing anything major to get his lifespan back. He researched possible alternatives to restore his life force but nothing conclusive. In the latest chapters he is too busy fighting in the War of the Griffons to have any time to settle his lifespan problem. Strength-wise: Lith is still growing steadily and discovering his bloodline powers and has his individual advantages and disadvantages regarding combat power. He is still a monster-level individual considering his growth speed compared to the status quo.

He became the Ernas' healer because of his friendship with their family and Lith also didn't mind making an 'official' relation with the Ernas family politically. So far he hasn't exercised that small authority yet and I do not think it will play into any future story.

Harsh_Raj_Sahu:And why he became the ernas household healer ??? This things I don’t understand

Lith's decreased life-span hasn't affected his powers negatively, but at the same time; he is 'working against time' because he does not know how much 'time he has left'. His life-span isn't running out anytime in the near future, Lith is preparing for 10/20/30/40 years later.

Harsh_Raj_Sahu:I am asking Decreasing his life span effects his powers or make him weak????