
Review Detail of Richard_Pierre_5159 in Supreme Magus

Review detail


So... I've been very conflicted about this series... I've been reading it for several days being a extremely late comer to the series, but it's engrossed my entire amount of limited free time for the past few days, bringing me to about chapter 470-ish or so. The series starts so incredibly strong, and remains that way up to about chapter 400. the author is not afraid to kill off characters unlike some(A lot of) other series, but seems to know moderation and not just layer further tragedy onto the MC all at once. Looking at you Tbate. Unfortunately at around chapter 400 (give or take 50 chapters because I don't remember which chapter it was in), there is the introduction of a new character as a love interest that is so dislikable and poorly written I've actually considered, and am currently still debating whether or not I want to drop this series... The love interest is so poorly done and feels like such a forced rehash of the previous love interest but with none of the personal development outside of the relationship that I just want to skip every scene with them in it(At this point I haven't because I've been hoping it gets better but it's only gotten worse and worse), unfortunately I've now found out from the wiki/fandom page that that character sticks around as the love interest until around chapter 1424... If I have to deal with over a thousand chapters of this, when I already dislike the character this much, I honestly will drop it. I feel like kicking myself for wasting so much of my limited free time on this series just because it starts so strong, and then falls off into rehashing a romance with a character with basically no build up and no development outside of "Oh I'm here because I'm suddenly dating the MC now and otherwise I'm uninteresting and do nothing for the story."... It just feels disappointing. If the author had allowed for more time and interactions with the character in question first, I wouldn't feel like I do, but the character just comes out of nowhere and is rushed into a relationship with the MC, and the whole romance suffers extremely from that. The set up is that of a fling, but is then force to be a real romance and it just doesn't work. Because the build up and development of the character exists solely in the romance, it just makes the character dislikable. I found myself waiting and hoping the new love interest would just be killed off to make the MC realize how rare it is to actually find someone they care about romantically but it never happens. It wouldn't be so bad if the author hadn't already set up a perfect romance, just to throw it away in favor of a cheap knock off version of itself and rush the mc into it. Every line about the romance makes me cringe, roll my eyes, or just want to skip the passage altogether. If it weren't for the new romance this series would probably be close to a 5 star for me. Instead I'm struggling to even give it a 3.

Supreme Magus


Liked it!




Yeah it doeant get good again till 800 to 1k chapters.


Actually she gets replaced