
Review Detail of DarkKnight32 in Natsu The Supreme Overlord

Review detail


Im really frustrated of this novel, the idea behind it is soo good but the author ****ed it up by his grammar aghhhhh🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 i love how the mc is introduced into reality and the author took the time too develop him but the ****ing grammar!!!!! Im not a hater btw thats way i rated it 4.2 Author here are some mistakes that you couls fix that are happening in every chapter btw these are not the only ones but they are the easiest to fix (i dont understand way you make these mistakes at every sentence, this is something that middle schoolers learn) Ok let me tell you how to use he and him please only use them when you are talking about a man character You could do this Random guy 1:" Hey did you know that this guy got a magical pet?"*points at Natsu* Random guy 2:"Natsu has a pet?? I didn't know that" or you do this Randome guy 2:" he has a pet??? I didn't know that (to put it simple please dont put she on men characters ) here is how you use him: The pet belongs to HIM!!! Not the pet belongs to her you will use her when we talk about a female character. Please dont make these mistakes again if you fix them the novel would be soo much easier to read and not get cancer in every sentence. How to use they, them and theirs: You use they when we want to tell something about a grupe ofpeople likethis They have a large guild building. For them you could use it like this The guild building belongs to THEM *points at a grupe of people* For their you could use it like this: It is THEIR guild building *points at randome guild member For theirs use it like this The Guild building is theirs these last two are confused but if you make a mistake its ok please edit your chapters soon

Natsu The Supreme Overlord


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