After reading first two chapter I instantly like it but I wanted to wait and skip to read when it comes back to present to avoid that tragic accident of ML.I started reading it in 500's. Word of advice- Don't skip!You will miss out on amazing episodes and a darling character Lu Qiang. I am reading the skipped chapters now. Story It's a unique concept of two ML's and FL love story , I am glad FL is given plenty time with first ML and their relationship is developed from scratch.This story has everything humor ,romance,steamy scenes and a lot of secrets in the family and of other characters .... there is also one mysterious get hints... still sometimes truth revealed is different from anticipation ... Writing Author leaves no loopholes. There is so much intrigue throughout the story as the secrets are mentioned not revealed to hook you up. Two events mentioned in the synopsis but you still remain curious as to how it will happen. Considering that first ML will die yet that event is ingeniously constructed ,so many suspects with different agendas are revealed near it ... makes you wonder whose involved in it even after his death. Also the second marriage , it's a unique but its just as described in the intro... series of unfathomable incidents indeed lead her to marry a kid. Characters They all have twisted side to them pushover over here. My fav's Lu Qiang - He is the MAN ️! with many admirable qualities .Enjoy your time with him as you WILL miss him. Out of all the novels I read he is a Total Package. Specifically the way he deals with her issue/heals her so sensitively. Yuyan - Cute and vulnerable but don't judge book by its cover.She can be a total BADASS! and scary... Lu Feng- Man with strong heart . Doesn't like being called 'Darling' by certain someone, like Qiang he is admirable and endearing will feel sorry for him sometimes such pure soul. He has a funny relationship with FL' bro Yang. Lu Lijin- He is still a mystery... he's said to be gifted child .. he has shown his talent a couple of times . I am anticipating how he really is as grown up. Zhi Rhou and mystery man -They were introduced in early chapters ,I am looking forward to their story. Updates- Its an original work yet writer is consistent with giving two chapter except her day off.Also very interactive in the comments. I am glad I found this novel!
Liked by 310 people
LIKEThank you for the review. I have stopped reading the novel becoz of ML is gng to die after knowing his love how can I continue to read... But I didn't remove it from library.... I was waiting for my heart to take decision to read the novel... Now I got it.... I'm gng to read it now.... Thank you❤
Yes ! 😍❤️ Enjoy it!😘
same for me
I am actually dreading reading the book as ML is going to die n my romantic heart cannot take that I understand that's the concept of the book but still anxious I have read till chapter 80 n now deciding should I go further or not already in love with my😥😥yr review explains that it might be worth it
Haha read it you will cry for a while...don't worry there are many situations and secrets that keep you intrigued 😉