
Review Detail of King_Of_The_Abyss in Runes - A Tale of the Abyss

Review detail


Open up! Shameless author coming through! Okay enough with the shenanigans. So the reason for me voting myself 5 stars is that I put in one year to prepare the plot of this story. I really worked so hard I missed friend gatherings and such. This is my first novel so go easy on me please. I really love the passion of writing! The novel is set in a fantasy land and follows the adventures of young Griff. The novel starts slow paced with mostly character building but if you want action this is the place as the newer chapters will pump so much adrenaline to your brain from the enthusiasm that you will be hospitalized. No, I will not pay for your hospital fees. But I’ll leave some flowers as thanks for liking the story! Please give your power stones, leave comments and reviews if you like the novel! Join the comments! Let us interact together! Your opinions are what matter.


Runes - A Tale of the Abyss


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