
Review Detail of Tsubasa93 in The Divine Wolf... or?

Review detail


If you're searching for a novel about a mc reincarnated as a wolf and living as one, then this isn't for you. Despite being bullied his whole human life, he instantly trusts the first human he meet. He then enters human society again... as a wolf. Start was great until he met humans and became their lapdog and pawn. All in all a very disappointing novel.


The Divine Wolf... or?


Liked by 66 people




It'd be smart of you to read a little more before you pass such judgment.


Thanks, now I know MC is a Beta not an Alpha, getting tired with the cliché of MC childhood.


Would it be? I think it’s smart of the reader to not continue reading if the hook leads them to think that the novel is poor. If the hook isn’t written well enough, it’s on you, the author. If you give readers the wrong impression, why should they continue reading? And how do they know when they’ve read far enough to really understand the MC is not some pawn for others as you really say?

Tyrone_Bedoire:It'd be smart of you to read a little more before you pass such judgment.

Well, simply because you're telling people stuff that doesn't happen in the story, he doesn't become someone's lapdog nor does he even enter human society, that's just straight up assumptions

Oto:Would it be? I think it’s smart of the reader to not continue reading if the hook leads them to think that the novel is poor. If the hook isn’t written well enough, it’s on you, the author. If you give readers the wrong impression, why should they continue reading? And how do they know when they’ve read far enough to really understand the MC is not some pawn for others as you really say?

Oh, do you want to spoil everything to the reader in the beginning just so he doesn’t stop reading the novel midway? Let’s be realistic. You’re trying to eat your cake and have it too.

Tyrone_Bedoire:Well, simply because you're telling people stuff that doesn't happen in the story, he doesn't become someone's lapdog nor does he even enter human society, that's just straight up assumptions

MINOR SPOILERS! Yall have some lofty expectations of a new author and of a formerly HUMAN character. Not only are humans social creatures that NEED other human interaction no matter how badly they've been treated before (when have you ever heard of someone being r*ped or assaulted and then deciding "that's it I'm a hermit now."?) And not to mention that wolves are pack animals as well? I'll have to reread but I'm pretty sure the mc didnt immediately jump into the arms of people and actually spent a decent amount of time alone. Give Theo a brake and quit expecting every novel character and writer to be perfect lol


Not theo lol Tyrone

Aiden_Abbi:MINOR SPOILERS! Yall have some lofty expectations of a new author and of a formerly HUMAN character. Not only are humans social creatures that NEED other human interaction no matter how badly they've been treated before (when have you ever heard of someone being r*ped or assaulted and then deciding "that's it I'm a hermit now."?) And not to mention that wolves are pack animals as well? I'll have to reread but I'm pretty sure the mc didnt immediately jump into the arms of people and actually spent a decent amount of time alone. Give Theo a brake and quit expecting every novel character and writer to be perfect lol

You're the one being unreasonable. I'm not saying the story is perfect, but it is absurd to make false assumptions in a review and tell people this or that happened when it didn't. While I can understand that you are right to drop a story if you don't like it, and being told "you should read on to find out" is not an excuse, the reader has no right to make false assumptions about the story. That's straight up lying. Twists happen, hidden agendas may surface (not saying it will happen specifically in this story), and while I'm not naive enough to say "give this story a chance!" or "you should read more!", I think it's ridiculous for readers to make false assumptions and then pretend that they are in the right for doing so when all they really are doing is spreading lies.

Oto:Oh, do you want to spoil everything to the reader in the beginning just so he doesn’t stop reading the novel midway? Let’s be realistic. You’re trying to eat your cake and have it too.

4 days alone

Aiden_Abbi:MINOR SPOILERS! Yall have some lofty expectations of a new author and of a formerly HUMAN character. Not only are humans social creatures that NEED other human interaction no matter how badly they've been treated before (when have you ever heard of someone being r*ped or assaulted and then deciding "that's it I'm a hermit now."?) And not to mention that wolves are pack animals as well? I'll have to reread but I'm pretty sure the mc didnt immediately jump into the arms of people and actually spent a decent amount of time alone. Give Theo a brake and quit expecting every novel character and writer to be perfect lol

yes the humans actually abandon him after he saves the princess's life and goes on his own for awhile.


dude this comment has a spoiler tag so this is a palce where spoiling is aloud

Oto:Oh, do you want to spoil everything to the reader in the beginning just so he doesn’t stop reading the novel midway? Let’s be realistic. You’re trying to eat your cake and have it too.

You clearly didn’t read the context of my comment. Try again. You’re not even talking about the same thing.

BIgbugs:dude this comment has a spoiler tag so this is a palce where spoiling is aloud

and the author even asked you to continue reading and you'll see hinting he isnt a lapdog yet you kept poking him for answers and he said he isn't entering human society

Oto:Oh, do you want to spoil everything to the reader in the beginning just so he doesn’t stop reading the novel midway? Let’s be realistic. You’re trying to eat your cake and have it too.

You must be severely incompetent. What kind of school did you go to? I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t get any formal English education. You are just spouting nonsense like an uneducated swine.

BIgbugs:and the author even asked you to continue reading and you'll see hinting he isnt a lapdog yet you kept poking him for answers and he said he isn't entering human society

mate, you are the reason i hope this site would create a dislike fuction

Oto:You must be severely incompetent. What kind of school did you go to? I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t get any formal English education. You are just spouting nonsense like an uneducated swine.

On this, we share a mutual opinion.

urextrachromosomed:mate, you are the reason i hope this site would create a dislike fuction

dude, this is litterly what happened

Tyrone_Bedoire:It'd be smart of you to read a little more before you pass such judgment.