
Review Detail of asdasdanaertuy in Apocalypse Fortress

Review detail


5/5 estrellas. buena historia, la trama lleva mucho futuro esperemos, me gusta la forma de escribir, por cierto puede robar grandes bancos o cadenas comerciales internacionales de comida o materiales y etc con edificio completo cuando no se encuentra nadie con el inventario, otra consulta puede ir a los vertederos y vender la basura al sistema? o juntar algo de armamento y armadura y ir a los carteles o ladrones y robarles, hay muchos con dinero fisico o en cuentas de banco? la otra tener una inteligencia artificial que entre internet y robe las cuentas de bancos famosos de paraisos fiscales y saque todo el dinero por partes? o recerbas federales? aun que yo eligiria los criminales no buscarian policias, y como usaria una armadura y facilmente podria desaparecer? o casinos en sus bovedas tienen para elegir. esperando mas capitulos 5/5 stars good story, the plot takes a long future hopefully, I like the way of writing, by the way can steal large banks or international food chains or materials and etc with full building when no one is with the inventory, another query can go to landfills and sell garbage to the system? or gather some weapons and armor and go to the cartels or robbers and rob them, are there many with physical money or in bank accounts? the other have an artificial intelligence that enters the Internet and steals the accounts of famous banks of tax havens and take all the money in parts? or federal hearings? even that I would choose the criminals would not look for police, and how would use an armor and could easily disappear? or casinos in their vaults have to choose. waiting for more chapters


Apocalypse Fortress


Liked by 3 people




Thanks for the great review and those ideas. I hadn't thought about most of those. I was planning on doing something else, but I might change it a little seeing these great suggestions! :)


gracias a ti por escribir, tambien podes poner que junte un poco de dinero con algo sencillo y luego compre una armadura como iron man o halo, y luego que robe a los carteles o criminales famosos todo lo que tengan, asi no daña a gente inocente pero si mata criminales y se hace rico, que te parece?

TromJH2424:Thanks for the great review and those ideas. I hadn't thought about most of those. I was planning on doing something else, but I might change it a little seeing these great suggestions! :)

I like the idea of taking down criminals and taking money from them, but I think for now that I will stick to less violent means for getting money. Probably in the future, when the apocalypse happens, she will probably rob bad people.

asdasdanaertuy:gracias a ti por escribir, tambien podes poner que junte un poco de dinero con algo sencillo y luego compre una armadura como iron man o halo, y luego que robe a los carteles o criminales famosos todo lo que tengan, asi no daña a gente inocente pero si mata criminales y se hace rico, que te parece?

ok suerte, al menos tendra una armadura futuristica?

TromJH2424:I like the idea of taking down criminals and taking money from them, but I think for now that I will stick to less violent means for getting money. Probably in the future, when the apocalypse happens, she will probably rob bad people.

It wouldn't be a good Base Building novel without a futuristic armor, would it?

asdasdanaertuy:ok suerte, al menos tendra una armadura futuristica?

hola esta bueno las notas de los personajes y precios de la tienda, ya que puede parecer duro robar, que te parece que busque chatarra sin dueño en medio de la ciudad o vertederos? (edificios ambandonados, televisores, etc) asi no llama mucho la atencion y no combate, ademas ayuda al reciclaje, ¿te parece? o con la venta de productos ella recicle los pruductos defectuosos o rotos como William Turnstin con su aspiradora, compra la nueva y la vieja le da al dron para su reciclaje. muchos regalarian para no tener basura o cosas viejas, bueno en algunos paises no podes dejar cosas grandes o eletrodomesticos en la calle! y tenes que pagar o llevar, es buena idea? esperando el nuevo capitulo para saber como le va a la empresa hello is good the notes of the characters and prices of the store, since it can seem hard to steal, what you think to look for scrap without an owner in the middle of the city or dumps? (ambledonados buildings, televisions, etc) so does not attract much attention and does not combat, also helps recycling, do you think? or with the sale of products she recycles the defective or broken products like William Turnstin with her vacuum cleaner, buys the new one and the old one gives the drone for recycling. many give away to not have garbage or old things, well in some countries you can not leave big things or appliances in the street! and you have to pay or take, is it a good idea? waiting for the new chapter to know how the company is doing

TromJH2424:It wouldn't be a good Base Building novel without a futuristic armor, would it?