Where do I start. I usually don't write many reviews but there are some stories that I feel the need to write one. All I can say is that the author is very talented and it shows in the storyline, character development and grammer. I would like to give a great big thank you to the author. Please keep on writing don't get discourage if down the road some small minded hater's appear. I wish the author much health, inspiration and blessings. ❤️❤️❤️ keep calm and keep writing cuz you are AMAZING!!! Anyways the characters in this story are very interesting and they make you want to get to know them more and more. Kinda like a spiders web you get more and more caught up in the back story. There is a lot of sweet fluffy moments in this book (i.e. funny moments and snu snu moments which I love 😅😏 alot 😆) but there a sprinkle of sadness throughout the story that offsets the sweet mushy moments and makes this story just right. The sad moments are poignant and tug at your heart strings but are not too long. I gave this story five stars in every aspect except on stability updating. I gave that category a four star rating since it's a novel that's almost at it's 200th chapter but has only been out for the past two months. I started reading this novel two days ago and I caught up 😭😭😭😭the heartbreaking pain of waiting desperately for the next chapter begins today. I'm such a masochist 😉
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