
Review Detail of Book_Loving_Nerd in Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong

Review detail


Please continue on the great work. Still the best existing Douluo Dalu Fanfic up to date in my opinion. much better than those other Douluo Dalu fanfic. just sad that it's severely underrated than those fanfiction that just have a system which isn't even good and just makes it more confusing and those that follow the original story with minor alteration just to fit the OC and make him super OP and give him a harem which mostly consist of almost all the female cast of douluo dalu and many OC girls that has no relevance in the future chapters. In my opinion it's better to only have one girl with plenty of character development than many girls with no character development at all. If your going to make it a harem please consider character development is all i ask of you author yozuka. I also like the pacing of the story it's not rush like other fanfic but it's not slow either and finally i like the characters the most it's not illogical and unrealistics and the characters act their age especially feilong while he acts mature he is still portrayed to act childishly sometimes which is befitting of his age which is something i really like so keep up the good work. overall i recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Douluo Dalu series


Douluo Dalu - The Story of Sheng Feilong


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