
Review Detail of DarkDawning in Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System

Review detail


Things to consider In one of your chapters I read that the Mc can gain system points by killing humans(aura locked) bit in the later chapters I read that he can only get it from grimm The chapter I think was about the mc charging the managun to shoot down the airships holding people and grimm Pls check People that are only acquainted with rwby will only get a part of how it should look like example Where are the kingdoms situated What is grimmland What is badlands Some are self explanatory some need further elaboration I feel like the ending was rushed because the system points from what I have read from your fanfic Is powerful capable of giving him persona Able to regenerate aura to the peak giving pills the causes an outer guard to sleep Shouldn't the mc have thought by now that he Can extended his body's lifespan C'mon The system is capable of giving pills that force sleeps an outer god (nyathorlep) But for the last tume before passing the system on can't get pills that strengthen the body for a couple of years until his daughter's maturity All I'm saying is that it's sad to think that the mc is forced out of rwby universe because of a Strong soul Didn't get to spend time with his loved ones and possibly their offspring I saw conflict I saw solutions I saw deepening of bonds and creating new ones the biggest negative is a better execution of the ending The biggest positive is the realisticv reactions on a number of things not all of the situations but I think more than half give or take Such as favoritism Fear of criminals Betrayals


Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System


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