
Review Detail of Arqemi in Lightning Dragon God Douluo: - A Douluo Dalu Fanfic

Review detail


Man even worse, grammar mistakes everywhere. No wide range of vocabulary and slow pace with content????? Are you existing with an APE’s IQ? Patreon? PATREON! ON WEBNOVELS HAHAHAHA MOTHERFAQER. He slows more for patreon MEGA LOL (shake my head) how stupid can you get Either go 2-4 chapters daily or mass realeases or stop writing, no one would look here whos smart enough

Lightning Dragon God Douluo: - A Douluo Dalu Fanfic


Liked by 3 people




Don't start cursing here because if i started then you won't be able to find a place to hide your head.


You dont get it do you? I was stating how bad your progress/flaws while doing the novel. Instead you flared up, even worse you couldnt type 8 lines correctly and kept flaring up. Anyways what i would like to say is that you wont get anywhere with how you are doing this. + its a fanfic about doulou?? Manga and novel are out there. Yet you are flaring because i said that you are slow even with patreon? And they get the benefits? Lmfao can you even become stupider than this? Patreon max advanced chapters are 30 by the time you have stock piled 30 not even 10days would have passed, yet what? Alas a fool would still be a fool? And are you threatning me on a website text? Are you that dumb or insecure? Your threat means nothing. Plus why would i hide? This is my opinion as a reader, dont like it ? Ignore it. Oh sorry i forgot your loe on IQ. College you say? If you are not masturbating 16/7 4hours a day would be enough to create 3chapters or more with the existing content set in stone for you. And you are talking about rings ohhhh okay 👌 good thing you talked about that at least you are defending your self in one point. Chaw


You do know that instead of writing this kn one review, you actually gave 2 reviews and both 1 stars which just lowers the rating.

Arqemi:You dont get it do you? I was stating how bad your progress/flaws while doing the novel. Instead you flared up, even worse you couldnt type 8 lines correctly and kept flaring up. Anyways what i would like to say is that you wont get anywhere with how you are doing this. + its a fanfic about doulou?? Manga and novel are out there. Yet you are flaring because i said that you are slow even with patreon? And they get the benefits? Lmfao can you even become stupider than this? Patreon max advanced chapters are 30 by the time you have stock piled 30 not even 10days would have passed, yet what? Alas a fool would still be a fool? And are you threatning me on a website text? Are you that dumb or insecure? Your threat means nothing. Plus why would i hide? This is my opinion as a reader, dont like it ? Ignore it. Oh sorry i forgot your loe on IQ. College you say? If you are not masturbating 16/7 4hours a day would be enough to create 3chapters or more with the existing content set in stone for you. And you are talking about rings ohhhh okay 👌 good thing you talked about that at least you are defending your self in one point. Chaw

Was it intentional or were you bron dumb?

Arqemi:You dont get it do you? I was stating how bad your progress/flaws while doing the novel. Instead you flared up, even worse you couldnt type 8 lines correctly and kept flaring up. Anyways what i would like to say is that you wont get anywhere with how you are doing this. + its a fanfic about doulou?? Manga and novel are out there. Yet you are flaring because i said that you are slow even with patreon? And they get the benefits? Lmfao can you even become stupider than this? Patreon max advanced chapters are 30 by the time you have stock piled 30 not even 10days would have passed, yet what? Alas a fool would still be a fool? And are you threatning me on a website text? Are you that dumb or insecure? Your threat means nothing. Plus why would i hide? This is my opinion as a reader, dont like it ? Ignore it. Oh sorry i forgot your loe on IQ. College you say? If you are not masturbating 16/7 4hours a day would be enough to create 3chapters or more with the existing content set in stone for you. And you are talking about rings ohhhh okay 👌 good thing you talked about that at least you are defending your self in one point. Chaw


Evil_Dragon:Was it intentional or were you bron dumb?

I would have spammed 1 ratings but 2 should be enough, iam not gonna be unreasonable, just hope others would read this.


Even worse you are posting 6 chapters ahead for 20$ while other patreons would allow up to 10-20 with around 1-10$ See the irony? Even worse at that point you are having 50$ with no clear spefication on howmany chapters stock piled you have? Are you a master at conning? I feel bad for those who supposed you at patreon, by the way no one in webnovel does patreon the way you do it, if anything they speed up release rates thats why i ended up reporting the novel, and your proud of your release rate? Go take a hike.


You reay want to debate me on this here. And besides they all get something known as choice so it is their choice if they choose it. Also i am around 17 chapters ahead of WN. So i am around 11 chapters ahead of guys in patreon

Arqemi:Even worse you are posting 6 chapters ahead for 20$ while other patreons would allow up to 10-20 with around 1-10$ See the irony? Even worse at that point you are having 50$ with no clear spefication on howmany chapters stock piled you have? Are you a master at conning? I feel bad for those who supposed you at patreon, by the way no one in webnovel does patreon the way you do it, if anything they speed up release rates thats why i ended up reporting the novel, and your proud of your release rate? Go take a hike.

You can span the 1 stars. I don't really care.

Arqemi:I would have spammed 1 ratings but 2 should be enough, iam not gonna be unreasonable, just hope others would read this.

You sure are jealous of others making money. If you think it's that easy to write a novel then don't give excuses about being in college, just write your own novel and post it on webnovel or make money on patreon. Cursing at people just because they make money from their own hard work is just stupid. You got time to read novels here but you can't really write your own work. Impressive.

Arqemi:Even worse you are posting 6 chapters ahead for 20$ while other patreons would allow up to 10-20 with around 1-10$ See the irony? Even worse at that point you are having 50$ with no clear spefication on howmany chapters stock piled you have? Are you a master at conning? I feel bad for those who supposed you at patreon, by the way no one in webnovel does patreon the way you do it, if anything they speed up release rates thats why i ended up reporting the novel, and your proud of your release rate? Go take a hike.

Jelouse? Are you serious? If every spelling/grammar mistake you have done gives me 1$ back i would have probably living without worries, plus the patreon you have is probably people pitying you(disabled?) you cant make an imaginery story, you know you have a brain right? You go left and right from a path that you created. And what is that with (then and there) thats such a garbage vocabulary and imagination. Hope you wake up before its too late

lazyleo:You sure are jealous of others making money. If you think it's that easy to write a novel then don't give excuses about being in college, just write your own novel and post it on webnovel or make money on patreon. Cursing at people just because they make money from their own hard work is just stupid. You got time to read novels here but you can't really write your own work. Impressive.

First of all learn how to correctly spell the word jealous instead of jelouse. Then talk about the spelling/grammar mistakes of others. Secondly, English is not mine nor author's first language nor is he JK Rowling so don't expect that kind of grammar as well. This novel's writing quality is already much better than 70% of novels in original/fanfiction section. As for the patreon, the people who are paying are using their own money to do whatever the fuk they want so you shouldn't be jealous of author making money. Whether they are pitying him or not has nothing to do with you so stop being salty about it. And please instead of spreading negativity around here, why not do something better with your life for once. As I said in my previous comment, those who are jealous of author making money can do it themselves as there's no one stopping you doing the same. And if you don't like novels like these so much then don't read it and you should probably stop using the original/fanfiction section as the quality is not upto your standards. But if you do then don't moan about the quality because more than 70% authors have English as their second or even even third language so you should never expect the high quality writing to begin with.

Arqemi:Jelouse? Are you serious? If every spelling/grammar mistake you have done gives me 1$ back i would have probably living without worries, plus the patreon you have is probably people pitying you(disabled?) you cant make an imaginery story, you know you have a brain right? You go left and right from a path that you created. And what is that with (then and there) thats such a garbage vocabulary and imagination. Hope you wake up before its too late

Look here sir, either your blind or blind there are only 2 novels worse than this author’s, and iam not gonna say which ones are plus if your comparing with dropped novels i can shrugg. You can also look at power stones to further understand how bad it is, 2 ** for each person reading? Maybe1? Haha. Oh i also forgot to say i was replying while walking in rain, plymouth rains pretty much everday all day, sorry i failed ya, and furthermore i wasnt only talking about grammar/spelling. No sir, i am talking about his writting skills which include pretty much everything from imagination to writing.🤢

lazyleo:First of all learn how to correctly spell the word jealous instead of jelouse. Then talk about the spelling/grammar mistakes of others. Secondly, English is not mine nor author's first language nor is he JK Rowling so don't expect that kind of grammar as well. This novel's writing quality is already much better than 70% of novels in original/fanfiction section. As for the patreon, the people who are paying are using their own money to do whatever the fuk they want so you shouldn't be jealous of author making money. Whether they are pitying him or not has nothing to do with you so stop being salty about it. And please instead of spreading negativity around here, why not do something better with your life for once. As I said in my previous comment, those who are jealous of author making money can do it themselves as there's no one stopping you doing the same. And if you don't like novels like these so much then don't read it and you should probably stop using the original/fanfiction section as the quality is not upto your standards. But if you do then don't moan about the quality because more than 70% authors have English as their second or even even third language so you should never expect the high quality writing to begin with.

Would like to also note that english is my 3rd language. I also replyed i wasnt jelous about him making money, no sir. I said no patreons exist with such low effort/imagination and promises/chapters to be given. I can name few patreons for you who for 2$ give 10chapters back. Funny no? And this guy here has an existing content to write from. Now aint that pathetic and greedy. Copy pasting is probably what he is doing🤤grow up, cause i did long ago. I am only typing these for fellow readers who dont wanna waste time.

lazyleo:First of all learn how to correctly spell the word jealous instead of jelouse. Then talk about the spelling/grammar mistakes of others. Secondly, English is not mine nor author's first language nor is he JK Rowling so don't expect that kind of grammar as well. This novel's writing quality is already much better than 70% of novels in original/fanfiction section. As for the patreon, the people who are paying are using their own money to do whatever the fuk they want so you shouldn't be jealous of author making money. Whether they are pitying him or not has nothing to do with you so stop being salty about it. And please instead of spreading negativity around here, why not do something better with your life for once. As I said in my previous comment, those who are jealous of author making money can do it themselves as there's no one stopping you doing the same. And if you don't like novels like these so much then don't read it and you should probably stop using the original/fanfiction section as the quality is not upto your standards. But if you do then don't moan about the quality because more than 70% authors have English as their second or even even third language so you should never expect the high quality writing to begin with.

Act as a hero in real life instead if here.🤮🤢

Arqemi:Would like to also note that english is my 3rd language. I also replyed i wasnt jelous about him making money, no sir. I said no patreons exist with such low effort/imagination and promises/chapters to be given. I can name few patreons for you who for 2$ give 10chapters back. Funny no? And this guy here has an existing content to write from. Now aint that pathetic and greedy. Copy pasting is probably what he is doing🤤grow up, cause i did long ago. I am only typing these for fellow readers who dont wanna waste time.

As I said in my previous comment, the people paying in patreon don't have problem with it so don't be salty about it. As for how much other authors set up their prices is of their concern. No one is forcing you to pay for the novel.

Arqemi:Would like to also note that english is my 3rd language. I also replyed i wasnt jelous about him making money, no sir. I said no patreons exist with such low effort/imagination and promises/chapters to be given. I can name few patreons for you who for 2$ give 10chapters back. Funny no? And this guy here has an existing content to write from. Now aint that pathetic and greedy. Copy pasting is probably what he is doing🤤grow up, cause i did long ago. I am only typing these for fellow readers who dont wanna waste time.

that guy is very hypocritical at everything he does (~.~) the day you comprehend his world problem is the day you achieve the Dao of Bullshjt and achieve immortality.

lazyleo:As I said in my previous comment, the people paying in patreon don't have problem with it so don't be salty about it. As for how much other authors set up their prices is of their concern. No one is forcing you to pay for the novel.

so unreasonable. low iq punk. wait, you don't have iq.

Arqemi:Would like to also note that english is my 3rd language. I also replyed i wasnt jelous about him making money, no sir. I said no patreons exist with such low effort/imagination and promises/chapters to be given. I can name few patreons for you who for 2$ give 10chapters back. Funny no? And this guy here has an existing content to write from. Now aint that pathetic and greedy. Copy pasting is probably what he is doing🤤grow up, cause i did long ago. I am only typing these for fellow readers who dont wanna waste time.

it's not like clients from patreon are forced to pay for the author's chapters. if you want to bash the author, you can go with the grammar, story structure, update stability, and stuff, but be darn constructive.


If you didnt read the full story i would rather you not comment cause its just wasting your precious time, i commented how its different. I didnt he cant cant create one rather be reasonable while creating one. Your too retarded to read the full story ;)

Reinesse:so unreasonable. low iq punk. wait, you don't have iq.