
Review Detail of AbandonedToGodhood in A Battle of Eyes Against the Gods (paused)

Review detail


It's been 2 years since you paused it when you are you going to start writing again? :( /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

A Battle of Eyes Against the Gods (paused)


Liked by 2 people




Honestly at first I just wanted to think over how I wanted the story to go. but, the more I thought about it the more I lost motivation to actually type it out, which led to me thinking over it occasionally to the point I'm considering a rewrite and making some major changes. in the end, I'm going in a loop, not sure what to do. like, part of the changes I considered was giving Jin a blank Stand and the system giving access to different "power systems" based on his Cultivation realm with more powerful abilities available the higher his rank in said realm. but there are issues with that too....