
Review Detail of UnjustlyUnderpaid in Survival to Godhood

Review detail


It’s a really good novel with a great plot thus far, I saw a few grammatical errors here and there but these didn’t affect the over story that much. The setting is super interesting, especially with the mixtures if different religions and such as the gods of this world. Personally, I still feel uncomfortable at how all of he cultivation levels and such were given right at the beginning, but this is only my personal taste and everything was still easy to understand. The character are relatable(in a nonrelatable way since this is fiction) and I can really feel actual emotions for some characters, esecially Zeus and that guy is dead! Overall the novel is great and I am looking forward to future updates. if I’m to say anything that is bad about this novel, it is that it is not being noticed more!


Survival to Godhood


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