
Review Detail of Legoho in Agents of Dawn

Review detail


Hi all I am a shameless writer who sucks at English ^^ Nah just kidding I am quite alright in my honest opinion, Although I am not a native English speaker I have quite a deep understanding of how English works through having read 1000+ books of different sort. But D&D has always been my love so I made a book that is deeply rooted in that system. I am doing my best to be the DM and Player at the same time with 5 different characters +NPC's and not knowing that there are traps and so on... sooo yeah well try having fun with my little side project in university. And who knows I might become a full time writer if coding doesn't work out for me ^^

Agents of Dawn


Liked it!




Oh and if you find any fault please do not hesitate telling about it to me... I would appreciate it all. I know I am not perfect and that I have a lot to improve upon. Love you all my dear readers.