
Review Detail of loner_rain_daoist in An ancient World

Review detail


it's a good lecture and with a light but good beginning the writing quality it's good and the fast rythim of the lecture it's really good, the MC it's pretty smart and not very ambitious or with a Hot-heat that go for all the chick's for him, even can say it's a little cold of her personality, but having a good family bound. the Stability it's good if have in count that only have 21 chapter's until now. the Story have a huge world to see, and can have a best development even if have a close world. the character are pretty basic and not much deep, but they are not a complete asshole like much of the novel's and even can have a littleof compation to the enemy's that are not that much of a bad guy's, but clearly are not a good guy's. the world Background it's early to say but can say that really have enormous prospect's about, that it's the best the novel it's a little of a Slice of Life and that can make more impact if thing happen, like will not have much surprise if in a novel where the mc it's a inmmortal with billion of year's know about magic in a new world, so the posibility for this novel are infinite.


An ancient World


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