
Review Detail of Jovi_Line in She's That Knight Known as Zero

Review detail


I very very very love this story. It's written beautifully and the story is also very great. The mc is pitiful but also admirable. I thought at first, the story is gonna be in school setting. Like doing missions given by the school, meeting new comrades along the way. Boy, I was wrong. It's just the introduction on how the mc will be admire by many in the future. I really like her; Eureka. And I don't believe that she's really a ZERO. She might even be a very powerful individual who have a rare or many abilities. Also, I thought it's going to be set in medieval times, you know, the victorian era, because of the book cover, I never expected it to be fantasy-based story. Very good author 😊 Thanks for this wonderful story that you made 😘🤭


She's That Knight Known as Zero


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