
Review Detail of Exalted_Felix in Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Review detail


Ok. I am bored as heck, and so, I decided to make a proper review of this without being biased. Story - 4.6/5 Characters - 4.8/5 World Building - 4.4/5 Romance - 4.6/5 (smut) Writing - 4.9/5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok, so here is a little summary of the book so far: MC is born with an unknown mutation that makes his body pretty interesting for scientists. Long story short, he becomes a lab rat for years, dies, meets a "system", and goes into the world of Danmachi. Now for the story:- One word - Mysterious. It's basically about going from one world to another. Why? In order to get stronger. Why? To go to another world. Why? To save a certain someone. Now the mysterious part. It's the MC's mother as well as the MC himself. What is he and what is she? Why is his body made up of certain energy and why is he able to travel from one world to another. Simply put, the ability wasn't just handed to him by some god, or it happened randomly. There is something set in motion. You could say, gears of fate turning. The plot itself does feel a bit TOO slow at times, but it manages to pick up later on. Characters:- A really good portrayal of the characters. This is a fanfiction at its core, yet it doesn't follow the plot AT ALL. The MC is in the world of Danmachi years before the plot of canon begins. What does this have to with characters? Well, have you wondered what the characters would be like if the dumbo-harem-aura didn't affect their personality? Well, this is it. MC does get to have a relationship with the girls, but that doesn't affect their personality. Each girl acts in their own unique way and no stuff like "everyone did (insert comedic/dramatic reaction)." The characters are properly fleshed out, and if you pay attention to the core of their personality, there is a portrayal of the weakness of all sentient beings. World-Building:- I don't need to say much about this one. It's a fanfic, basically borrowed worlds. The author describes it well and tries to show a clear image of what it's like. In the end, though, it mostly depends on whether you've seen the original anime/ played the original VN. Romance:- This one's a tough one to describe. How do I put it, "MC loves to love, and his partners love being loved." Basically that. MC is mentally unstable due to what he's gone through in his past life. This makes it very hard for him to differentiate between a lot of stuff. (eg. love & like). This makes the relationships seem almost unnatural, but you mustn't forget that the world isn't Earth. The girls in the anime are totally different from the monstrosities here. It isn't the MC that is mentally unstable. Most of the girls he's with have been through SOMETHING. They all have a past, a wish, and a dream. Also, lots of smut. Writing:- Very good. Mistakes are kept to a minimum and the grammar is fantastic. No headaches while reading. Chapters are also pretty long.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos


Liked by 451 people




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Exalted_Felix:Thankfully, the author doesn't mention that matter all that much later on, so you're good to go. Before I begin, I must say: I try my best to keep my reviews and replies as professional and unbiased as possible, so I'll try to explain to you the reasons for Freya's obligatory relationship establishment from a neutral POV as best as I can. (As you guys have spoiled these parts, I'll just summarize the whole thing up, as hard as it may be.) If you've seen/read Danmachi, you'd know of the several factions that are in the world. Out of those, Freya's faction is known to be the strongest. The reason for that is mostly because Freya is a power-seeking individual. Now, what would such an individual when she discovers that she could conceive a baby with an individual that would be beyond strong? Simple - Do whatever it takes to get it done. So, she tries to that, however, the other "important" females prevent that from occurring. Despite their best attempts in doing so, Freya would eventually lose her patience and attempt to get what she seeks through extreme means, which is not good for the MC and his allies. Why? Well, Freya's faction is known for its strength, so imagine what it would be like if a war began. Basically too many risks forced them to compromise. From there when Freya gets what she wants, things start to develop in a way she never imagined. And it's at THAT point that a relationship sprouts, which is way after the aforementioned events (including the matter with Ottar). A little note: No book is perfect. There always is some part that you'd hate, or at least not enjoy as much as the other parts. This means that if you decide to not read books based on such things, you'll be having a hard time in the future when it comes to reading. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you have a good day/night.

No Yaoi and no NTR. Those were just trolls making tags, back in the days when readers could give books tags of their own.

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That matter you are speaking of is too complicated to be summerized, especially in this case since I try to avoid spoiling. The buildup is important for readers to understand its meaning. I'll admit it though, I was more than a little pissed about that part, to the point I dropped the book for a month or so. By then, I gave it another go, and that part started to make sense, albeit a little. For NTR, a relationship needs to be established between someone who's in a relationship with someone different than their significant other. Which in the part you're speaking of is not the case. Once again, please think of it in a more professional way before letting your feelings get the best of you, lest you prevent others from reading an otherwise enjoyable book.

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Thankfully, the author doesn't mention that matter all that much later on, so you're good to go. Before I begin, I must say: I try my best to keep my reviews and replies as professional and unbiased as possible, so I'll try to explain to you the reasons for Freya's obligatory relationship establishment from a neutral POV as best as I can. (As you guys have spoiled these parts, I'll just summarize the whole thing up, as hard as it may be.) If you've seen/read Danmachi, you'd know of the several factions that are in the world. Out of those, Freya's faction is known to be the strongest. The reason for that is mostly because Freya is a power-seeking individual. Now, what would such an individual when she discovers that she could conceive a baby with an individual that would be beyond strong? Simple - Do whatever it takes to get it done. So, she tries to that, however, the other "important" females prevent that from occurring. Despite their best attempts in doing so, Freya would eventually lose her patience and attempt to get what she seeks through extreme means, which is not good for the MC and his allies. Why? Well, Freya's faction is known for its strength, so imagine what it would be like if a war began. Basically too many risks forced them to compromise. From there when Freya gets what she wants, things start to develop in a way she never imagined. And it's at THAT point that a relationship sprouts, which is way after the aforementioned events (including the matter with Ottar). A little note: No book is perfect. There always is some part that you'd hate, or at least not enjoy as much as the other parts. This means that if you decide to not read books based on such things, you'll be having a hard time in the future when it comes to reading. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you have a good day/night.

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I understand what are you saying but do you really believe for a empire to establish there will be no war . And mc have some serious level potential + power if he trains seriously for About 2 to 3 years what can even freya do against mc . Mc can just destroy freya for all we care . Look in his harem there was even prostitute worker but I am fine with her cause she didn't cheat on mc and her past was forced . But freya hell no . Yeah if you are thinking professional neutral point of view you should also think about some people triggering at such situations.

Exalted_Felix:Thankfully, the author doesn't mention that matter all that much later on, so you're good to go. Before I begin, I must say: I try my best to keep my reviews and replies as professional and unbiased as possible, so I'll try to explain to you the reasons for Freya's obligatory relationship establishment from a neutral POV as best as I can. (As you guys have spoiled these parts, I'll just summarize the whole thing up, as hard as it may be.) If you've seen/read Danmachi, you'd know of the several factions that are in the world. Out of those, Freya's faction is known to be the strongest. The reason for that is mostly because Freya is a power-seeking individual. Now, what would such an individual when she discovers that she could conceive a baby with an individual that would be beyond strong? Simple - Do whatever it takes to get it done. So, she tries to that, however, the other "important" females prevent that from occurring. Despite their best attempts in doing so, Freya would eventually lose her patience and attempt to get what she seeks through extreme means, which is not good for the MC and his allies. Why? Well, Freya's faction is known for its strength, so imagine what it would be like if a war began. Basically too many risks forced them to compromise. From there when Freya gets what she wants, things start to develop in a way she never imagined. And it's at THAT point that a relationship sprouts, which is way after the aforementioned events (including the matter with Ottar). A little note: No book is perfect. There always is some part that you'd hate, or at least not enjoy as much as the other parts. This means that if you decide to not read books based on such things, you'll be having a hard time in the future when it comes to reading. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you have a good day/night.

There is no NTR situation, no matter how much you try to twist the context. I left the comments that actually made sense and I'm so tired of hearing people talk about the Freya situation. It upset you, sure, but that is no reason to inflate it to a level and literally fabricate facts to try and justify your bias. Whether or not I'm worthy of respect has no relevance. I'm not trying to earn the respect of people who don't even read the novel. I'm trying to write a story people enjoy. Stop trying to ruin the experience for others. All you do is regurgitate platitudes and pretend like you have some moral high ground to stand on despite the fact I have never even once tried to elevate myself and act egotistically. I just don't tolerate people making **** up just to spread negativity.

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Chill, mate. Remain calm when having a discussion. I've been a part of several discussion boards and I can confidently state that the one thing that is frowned upon the most is unreasonable statements made rashly. There are various things that would cause someone to say things with no base. Your case being one of them (the situation). There all sorts of way to show your dissatisfaction, however, what you did a while ago isn't a proper one with all due respect. Insulting authors for their work is the one thing that I find intolerable. So, please refrain from doing that. That said, I'm sure Ein wouldn't delete comments that are properly discussing the context of the book and don't have unnecessary emotions in them. Just keep calm and discuss things without mentioning things like "respect" and "ego". If you're dissatisfied with something, you may go and write a review of your own without spoiling things and making rash statements. Even then, you can't write baseless statements, as that's simply ranting and not reviewing. Note: A comment section is supposed to be simple and not a place to hate all you want on something. Do not take my words harshly. It's just how it is. Thank you for your understanding.

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Thank you.

Exalted_Felix:Chill, mate. Remain calm when having a discussion. I've been a part of several discussion boards and I can confidently state that the one thing that is frowned upon the most is unreasonable statements made rashly. There are various things that would cause someone to say things with no base. Your case being one of them (the situation). There all sorts of way to show your dissatisfaction, however, what you did a while ago isn't a proper one with all due respect. Insulting authors for their work is the one thing that I find intolerable. So, please refrain from doing that. That said, I'm sure Ein wouldn't delete comments that are properly discussing the context of the book and don't have unnecessary emotions in them. Just keep calm and discuss things without mentioning things like "respect" and "ego". If you're dissatisfied with something, you may go and write a review of your own without spoiling things and making rash statements. Even then, you can't write baseless statements, as that's simply ranting and not reviewing. Note: A comment section is supposed to be simple and not a place to hate all you want on something. Do not take my words harshly. It's just how it is. Thank you for your understanding.

Whatever I don't care anymore about your story. I am unsatisfied because i liked your story then . And the way you have written that situation reading that the first thing comes to mind is ntr . Yeah I will not think that was ntr if mc and freya didn't know that they are going to be together in the future especially vahn he knows that she was going to be his wife and he even have a daughter with her but he still helps her becoming pregnant with another man. I mean why don't mc pregnant her at that time if she want a baby . That's some serious drama which I didn't enjoy . Author I am not saying your work is bad hell it's good I even said that to my comments which you have deleted unreasonably I just wanna want people know about freya's situation the then there will be no naggings about her to you In the future . As guys like me can be very triggered in situation the like of freya's. But you have to get it that deleting comments like this will make many people angry at you .

Einlion:There is no NTR situation, no matter how much you try to twist the context. I left the comments that actually made sense and I'm so tired of hearing people talk about the Freya situation. It upset you, sure, but that is no reason to inflate it to a level and literally fabricate facts to try and justify your bias. Whether or not I'm worthy of respect has no relevance. I'm not trying to earn the respect of people who don't even read the novel. I'm trying to write a story people enjoy. Stop trying to ruin the experience for others. All you do is regurgitate platitudes and pretend like you have some moral high ground to stand on despite the fact I have never even once tried to elevate myself and act egotistically. I just don't tolerate people making **** up just to spread negativity.

I had plenty of reasons. And no, you aren't letting them know about her situation. You are forcing your incorrect interpretation and opinion upon them. How about, instead of telling me how deleting comments will make people angry, you think about the content of the comments you are making? You place all the burden on me, completely ignoring the fact you are the problem. Why must I tolerate you making **** up and trying to deter other people from reading a novel you already dropped? What value do your lies have other than inflating your own ego and making you feel better? Everything you've said about Freya is based on a mistaken interpretation and you superimposing your expectations onto the novel. There is contextual evidence to support everything that happened, and, while it might not have been a pleasant development, that doesn't matter in the slightest. You are so consumed by your own bias that you disregard more than a thousand chapters for no better reason than self-pandering.

Shadewind:Whatever I don't care anymore about your story. I am unsatisfied because i liked your story then . And the way you have written that situation reading that the first thing comes to mind is ntr . Yeah I will not think that was ntr if mc and freya didn't know that they are going to be together in the future especially vahn he knows that she was going to be his wife and he even have a daughter with her but he still helps her becoming pregnant with another man. I mean why don't mc pregnant her at that time if she want a baby . That's some serious drama which I didn't enjoy . Author I am not saying your work is bad hell it's good I even said that to my comments which you have deleted unreasonably I just wanna want people know about freya's situation the then there will be no naggings about her to you In the future . As guys like me can be very triggered in situation the like of freya's. But you have to get it that deleting comments like this will make many people angry at you .

Say, Ein do you deal with this stuff a lot?

Einlion:I had plenty of reasons. And no, you aren't letting them know about her situation. You are forcing your incorrect interpretation and opinion upon them. How about, instead of telling me how deleting comments will make people angry, you think about the content of the comments you are making? You place all the burden on me, completely ignoring the fact you are the problem. Why must I tolerate you making **** up and trying to deter other people from reading a novel you already dropped? What value do your lies have other than inflating your own ego and making you feel better? Everything you've said about Freya is based on a mistaken interpretation and you superimposing your expectations onto the novel. There is contextual evidence to support everything that happened, and, while it might not have been a pleasant development, that doesn't matter in the slightest. You are so consumed by your own bias that you disregard more than a thousand chapters for no better reason than self-pandering.

Maybe you are right . Well then good bye . And all the best .

Einlion:I had plenty of reasons. And no, you aren't letting them know about her situation. You are forcing your incorrect interpretation and opinion upon them. How about, instead of telling me how deleting comments will make people angry, you think about the content of the comments you are making? You place all the burden on me, completely ignoring the fact you are the problem. Why must I tolerate you making **** up and trying to deter other people from reading a novel you already dropped? What value do your lies have other than inflating your own ego and making you feel better? Everything you've said about Freya is based on a mistaken interpretation and you superimposing your expectations onto the novel. There is contextual evidence to support everything that happened, and, while it might not have been a pleasant development, that doesn't matter in the slightest. You are so consumed by your own bias that you disregard more than a thousand chapters for no better reason than self-pandering.

It's usually worse. He isn't nearly as bad as the people who have literally tried to get me fired from my job or had my patreon taken down. It's always the people spewing platitudes and calling you egotistical that end up being some of the most disgusting and petty human beings imaginable.

Exalted_Felix:Say, Ein do you deal with this stuff a lot?

Also sorry if I have been extreme. It's just I loved you story so that situation really let me down.

Einlion:It's usually worse. He isn't nearly as bad as the people who have literally tried to get me fired from my job or had my patreon taken down. It's always the people spewing platitudes and calling you egotistical that end up being some of the most disgusting and petty human beings imaginable.

Take care. I hope you find a story you enjoy.

Shadewind:Maybe you are right . Well then good bye . And all the best .

Freya never played that pivotal a role in the story. If you had read on, you would have gotten over it very quickly.

Shadewind:Also sorry if I have been extreme. It's just I loved you story so that situation really let me down.

I will try but then I have to read it from the start but since you told me now that she doesn't play an important role I will try again to start reading . At least you have told me about her situation before I asked you about her you just completely ignore me that's also one of the reason I drop it . But still thanks.

Einlion:Freya never played that pivotal a role in the story. If you had read on, you would have gotten over it very quickly.

You can even start reading from the second Record if you want. There would be some context missed but each of the Records stand on their own merits. If you enjoy the story from there, feel free to read it from the beginning after you get caught up. One or two disagreeable elements in a story shouldn't ruin the entire thing.

Shadewind:I will try but then I have to read it from the start but since you told me now that she doesn't play an important role I will try again to start reading . At least you have told me about her situation before I asked you about her you just completely ignore me that's also one of the reason I drop it . But still thanks.


Einlion:You can even start reading from the second Record if you want. There would be some context missed but each of the Records stand on their own merits. If you enjoy the story from there, feel free to read it from the beginning after you get caught up. One or two disagreeable elements in a story shouldn't ruin the entire thing.

That's what I've been trying to say. No matter what, unless the story someone reads is written by said person himself/herself, there always is a thing or two that they will find disaggreeable. Dropping a book over such a petty reason is not the brightest thing to do.

Einlion:You can even start reading from the second Record if you want. There would be some context missed but each of the Records stand on their own merits. If you enjoy the story from there, feel free to read it from the beginning after you get caught up. One or two disagreeable elements in a story shouldn't ruin the entire thing.

By the way from which chapter the second record starts ?

Einlion:You can even start reading from the second Record if you want. There would be some context missed but each of the Records stand on their own merits. If you enjoy the story from there, feel free to read it from the beginning after you get caught up. One or two disagreeable elements in a story shouldn't ruin the entire thing.