
Review Detail of FujiCigarette in Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction

Review detail


first things first... good story concept.. but sadly bad execution. theree are a lot of wrong things that the author seems to not have researched and put in a lot of wrong info one of them that is irritating are the wrong names he keeps repeating like "hiraijin" the reason why its irrritating is that those little problems can be solved by just a few google searches... also the author seems to have made this fic through his memory and never really went and verified canon knowledge as i cant make heads or tails on the mechanics he is using in terms of chakra. example is that in this fic he states that hiraishin or what he types as hiraijin takes more chakra to use than the freakin summoning technique. one-the 4th used that jutsu to massacre an army earning his fame, meaning hundreds of uses its difficulty lie in sealing that not everyone can replicate but in this fic its implied that you only need chakra to master it... wtf bullsht is this two-the most important thing for gentle fist is chakra control which the author only addresses on 1 freaking chapter and seems to forget about this huge mechanic in using chakra and seems to have a different mindset when it comes to chakra as a whole in this fic im not even that big of a naruto fan, all i pointed out are things ive read because i like reading about the mechanics of different series. the author needs to research more on canon facts that are all readily available on the web the story is really good but it operates on wrong information that takes a large part of the entertainment away from it


Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction


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Yes.. but think about how minato is an orphan borne ninja that used hiraishin thousands of times.. the chakra hes got he got through training.. also not really about size.. depends more on how much chakra the summon needs i.e the old toads. While naruto over there had to tap into the 9 tails when he had first summoned the boss toad.. if thats how hiraishin works man.. how many 9 tails does minato have in him

An_Aa:I have not read the novel. But there is one thing i would like to point out. Chakra expenditure depends upon mass of object that is to be teleported and distance of teleportation. Both are equally taxing in a sense.

I have not read the novel. But there is one thing i would like to point out. Chakra expenditure depends upon mass of object that is to be teleported and distance of teleportation. Both are equally taxing in a sense.


DiStance also Matters . minato definitely had massive chakra but monStErous like naturo thi haha

FujiCigarette:Yes.. but think about how minato is an orphan borne ninja that used hiraishin thousands of times.. the chakra hes got he got through training.. also not really about size.. depends more on how much chakra the summon needs i.e the old toads. While naruto over there had to tap into the 9 tails when he had first summoned the boss toad.. if thats how hiraishin works man.. how many 9 tails does minato have in him