
Review Detail of Casualgrain11 in Steampunk Apocalypse!

Review detail


[ONLY MINOR SPOILERS] Fully caught up so I think I am finally eligible to write a review. Currently by far one of the most well written novels I have read so far out of all the novels I have read. Very logical story progression and no stupid decisions made nor indescribable luck. The story pans out very well and kept my attention the whole time. I never really lost interest and finished catching up after a few days of reading and now actively wait on updates. Skip this part if you don't live in the US. As a reader that currently lives in the US, more specifically florida. I really enjoy how I can actually relate to the locations listed in the novel and not only just get a general feeling for them like other novels I have read that take place in china or the future. However that isn't to say that the novel has no flaws. Everything has a flaw somewhere however the flaws in this novel are only minor flaws that just feel out of place. Only a minor spoiler here so if you don't want any skip the rest of this paragraph. The MC eventually is able to fly and can fly from florida up to NY in 6 hours if I recall correctly. That's 179 miles per hour (approx.) Still that is pretty fast just to be flying as a single person in the sky. All in all, I highly recommend this novel to anything looking for books that have a logical progression and a great story while you are at it. However this novel is not for snowflakes as there is a great deal of brutally that the whole world takes part in, each continent having its own view. That is all I am going to say here, if you want to know more maybe you should just read the novel. It is relatively short at the point I am posting this only being at chapter 93, the end of volume 2. Well, I go on for a while and am bad at endings, so I'll just leave it here. Goodbye reader.


Steampunk Apocalypse!


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Thanks for the positive feedback Casualgrain! Always happy to hear from a fellow Floridian, lol. Hopefully the future places I describe have the same impacts considering I'll have never been to most of them =p.