
Review Detail of SpaceTimeSovereign in THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE

Review detail


5 stars from me. Absolutely one of my top 10 favorite books. The characters are bold and brave. The MC is cunning and isn't easily manipulated like others. He is strong but not OP. I would recommend this book to anybody. I just hope the author can keep this up for a long time without going premium.



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Don't worry. I hold no contract with Webnovel.. My novel is not that famous. Even if I get my contract, I will not go premium. If I have to go premium, then I'll charge max 2 to 3 spirit stones per chapter Anyway thanks for the love and review.. This novel is definitely very big... Keep reading


I don't think it will take long for it to get some big attention as long as you keep up the hard work. I think I can speak for the people who have and are currently still reading and say that we enjoy the book because of the good writing and the fact that this novel doesn't follow the same customary plot lines that most others do. So thank you for the work that you have put in and keep up the good work

VKSS1602:Don't worry. I hold no contract with Webnovel.. My novel is not that famous. Even if I get my contract, I will not go premium. If I have to go premium, then I'll charge max 2 to 3 spirit stones per chapter Anyway thanks for the love and review.. This novel is definitely very big... Keep reading

Thanks a lot... thank you very much.. I appreciate that

SpaceTimeSovereign:I don't think it will take long for it to get some big attention as long as you keep up the hard work. I think I can speak for the people who have and are currently still reading and say that we enjoy the book because of the good writing and the fact that this novel doesn't follow the same customary plot lines that most others do. So thank you for the work that you have put in and keep up the good work

Not OP? Then **** this story. Author has given a OP name . so only OP MC Seekers would try to read this book. Why the **** is he not OP then? I mean OPness doesn't decrease the level of story but logicless, without backlash OPness does. I love OPness. But not Opness without logic.


He isn't considered OP since he is not the strongest. Always remember no matter how strong, rich, and powerful you are there will always be someone stronger, richer, and more powerful