I understood that SS stones should be needed to unlock new chapters... but 2040 chapters that Webnovel HAVE NOT TRANSLATED OR EVEN EDITED TO GET RID OFF OF ANY MISTAKES should not be under SS charge. You, webnovel, has taken work that Mistytranslation has made during years, and copy-paste it upon your site without any corrections (doing any work on yor side). Have you in any way compensate her for her work? If not then you should delete any chapter she has translate and make it by your own team, with appropriate remuneration for the work done, if you make it available under spirit stones charge. SS are a currency that can be obtained with RL currency, and putting it on anything that you did not made or bought make you the worst frakin leach community.
Liked by 60 people
LIKEI know right I just an hour ago it wasn’t locked but my problem is that they locked almost all the chapters I mean what the actual f*ck would I do with the hundred first chapters, it’s ok that we pay SS for the later chapters but locking almost 2000 is so f*cking stupid I mean where in the name of SWEET BABY SATAN would we get all that SS???
sad news for ye its far from the first time! in fact more than half of the current top ranking novel and almost all of the finished ones are all stolen from the other novel sites! they have the "they own the original so they own any translations logic" even if its ye bought a license from them, QI never cares as long you support them SS... and this will continue far far more due to their goal of absolute monopoly of CN novels
Seriously, by using the cost for ss stones that you can buy (2500 for $50 usd), you have to spend about $200 to get the full novel, and if you wait and stock pile the stones, assuming the average ss stones per day is 8, it will take about 3 and a half years to finish the novel. This is just stupid
Edit, forgot that you get ss from voting which makes an average of 13 ss per day, meaning that it will take over 2 years to catch up to the current amount, and the novel isn’t even finished yet (3100 total in raws)
Average spirit stones per day is about 15ss (0-10SS from daily login + 5 from rating with powers stone _ 5 for voting with energy stone). 2000 chapters that cost 4-5 SS stones, that makes about 9000 spirit stones. Novel is said to have overall about 3700 chapters in total. let's say 2000 * 4 + 1700 * 5 = 8000 + 8500 = 16500 About this much spirit stones to read the whole thing. 3250 ss (2500 + 750 bonus) for 50$, make it 5 times and it will be 250$ for 16250 SS + 460ss for 8$... 258$ to read the whole novel. That is how much you have to pay here for translated novel. But how much from this amount is going to author and translator? 1000 readers and this novel makes 258000 $. Adding grain to grain and the mountain is born.
The total word count for this book is 3.20 million in comparison. The Harry Potter series is only 1.084.170 million now tell me how spending roughly $100 on this series any different than spending roughly $100 on a serious that only has about 1/3 an amount of words?
What I do is search for novels here, read the free chapter, if I like them I search the novel (a quick search in google or novelupdates) to see if there are other sources, read all the free chapter, and if in webnovel the latest chapter publish before the other sources y pay the ss and read here.