
Review Detail of FujiCigarette in Zombie Sister Strategy

Review detail


Translation quality - is ok and perfectly readable Stability of updates - is great, didnt even notice that it had 200chapters already and also good rate of releases Story Development - was kinda iffy the first few chapters but later on it gets interesting, dont let the synopsis fool you into thinking that this is some type of girl harem story.... nope, if you came expecting sexual content, nope as of the chapter im at there are none. Character Design - first i thought the mc was too stupid as a 5 year old kid even figured out some things before she did but i sticked through and found there are more behind the mc and also other characters, yes some get treated as nothing and get killed later on but there are characters that actually have good story development, just dont expect it in early chapters. World background - while it is set on good old earth that experienced an Apocalypse, there are things that the author seems to keep forgetting, like evolving zombies and such and power mechanics and such and power levels and such...which frankly is a turn off. so yeah it had things that will turn readers away from the get go, things like reverse rape and such, thinking that sexual content is the whole premise of the story but its not, heck no, mc gets naked a couple of times but really at the current chapter mc has just healed his deformed face, finally healed her boobs and not get mistaken as a man, also grew a thin membrane to cover up her hollow stomach and lastly turned bald and now wears a cap and sunglasses, yup nothing sexual, except if youre into that.....theres nothing wrong about that, you do you, before that the mc had like missing chunks of flesh with her innards dropping out, her boobs where eaten early on and also her face was deformed and her hair got burned when she got hit by thunder... so yeah early chapters gets me irritated as i keep thinking about how stupid mc is, but read something a character in the novel said that made me change my mind, mc got reincarnated in a ruined world not knowing what happened to her original self within the past 5 years and also doesnt know what happened to her family members, all she had to rely on was the memory of a slutty ***** that relied on her body to breeze through the apocalypse without even encountering the stronger beings in it and also has no super powers so she also had no idea of the power system.. people say the characters early on are one dimensional, and its not, the mc is in a hurry to find her family and get some sort of idea the things happening around her and also people keep getting killed, but later on it shows the reason behind the things those characters do and also discover things about herself that seems hidden. yes there are 1-dimensional villains that act like they usually do and get killed in early chapters but there are also people that react realistically to circumstances and stuff..


Zombie Sister Strategy

A Wisp of Netherworld Inferno

Liked by 16 people




Wow! So in-depth!! :O This is probably one of those reviews that will affect whether I feel like reading this the most... :P Damn this tells me a lot about the story rather than a 1-sided rant or continuous praise that doesn't explain anything! 👍👍


Thank you, it's a great review


Thank you, it's a great review


Thank you, it's a great review