
Review Detail of CharonTheSordid in Rise of The Undead Legion

Review detail


Hello again Baiko, Just going to leave another negative review for you here. Don’t mind me. Remember to delete all reviews under 4 stars as usual. We wouldn’t want the prospective readers to see the true quality. Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. Cheers Baiko. P.S. Thanks for the Xp. 😊

Rise of The Undead Legion


Liked by 50 people




ramennoodlez:If that's true, then can you show me a screenshot? I'm sure you could just take one and link it to me. After all it should still be in your notifications.

said the guy whos only read 56 chapters into the book. Did you even read the whole thing? or did you just skim like all the other speds? Even if you had your review still up I would be pissed at you. He deleted your review because you didn't even read half the da*m book. And don't reply with "I have 300 chapters read on my alt account!" or "I posted my review when there where less chapters!" You posted this 1 week ago and your still at 56. Give me a real reason to believe you. Like a screenshot or something.


I posted my first review in August 2019. It was carefully written to show both positives and negatives fairly equally. It was deleted because, at the time, the author felt that a 3.5-star review was too low and would skew his undeserved 4.7-star average. The only reason he does not delete my reviews daily anymore is that mindless sycophants post daily 5-star reviews that have made it a waste of effort to delete them. I am confident in this reasoning as the author is still too indolent to revise the grammatical errors and inconsistent plot points in the first 50 chapters (before premium). In all honesty, it was a generous effort that I even completed 56 chapters before writing my review. I only endured as the author had promised that the writing would significantly improve after around 50 chapters. This was a lie. Few improvements were made, and the plot actually became much worse, to put it gently. As for reading on an "alt account," why would I torture myself when much better stories are available? If you honestly enjoy this book, then wonderful for you. I personally do not believe that a lazy, paper-heart author deserves the support he is given, but it is not my concern if others believe differently. I simply post these reviews to let it be known that the author's meticulously maintained 4.7-star review is a facade. I encourage you to continue to enjoy whatever it is that you deem worthy and always remember that when it comes to self-interest, your own opinions are the ones that matter the most.

ramennoodlez:said the guy whos only read 56 chapters into the book. Did you even read the whole thing? or did you just skim like all the other speds? Even if you had your review still up I would be pissed at you. He deleted your review because you didn't even read half the da*m book. And don't reply with "I have 300 chapters read on my alt account!" or "I posted my review when there where less chapters!" You posted this 1 week ago and your still at 56. Give me a real reason to believe you. Like a screenshot or something.

Thank you but that still doesn't excuse the fact that you reviewed a book before reading even half of it. That's like reviewing a gourmet dish after eating three bites. It's not fair to the chef, or the future customers that might want to order that meal. You may like the book if you read further, who knows?

CharonTheSordid:I posted my first review in August 2019. It was carefully written to show both positives and negatives fairly equally. It was deleted because, at the time, the author felt that a 3.5-star review was too low and would skew his undeserved 4.7-star average. The only reason he does not delete my reviews daily anymore is that mindless sycophants post daily 5-star reviews that have made it a waste of effort to delete them. I am confident in this reasoning as the author is still too indolent to revise the grammatical errors and inconsistent plot points in the first 50 chapters (before premium). In all honesty, it was a generous effort that I even completed 56 chapters before writing my review. I only endured as the author had promised that the writing would significantly improve after around 50 chapters. This was a lie. Few improvements were made, and the plot actually became much worse, to put it gently. As for reading on an "alt account," why would I torture myself when much better stories are available? If you honestly enjoy this book, then wonderful for you. I personally do not believe that a lazy, paper-heart author deserves the support he is given, but it is not my concern if others believe differently. I simply post these reviews to let it be known that the author's meticulously maintained 4.7-star review is a facade. I encourage you to continue to enjoy whatever it is that you deem worthy and always remember that when it comes to self-interest, your own opinions are the ones that matter the most.

You're literally saying that we should stick with a piece of media no matter how much we dislike it? Let's make an example of your train of though because your example is way too misleading for my liking. If I were to play a game that I didn't like for 5 hours, I (according to your logic) should just keep playing because of the possibility of it suddenly becoming good at the 6th hour? That's he stupidest thing I've ever heard.

ramennoodlez:Thank you but that still doesn't excuse the fact that you reviewed a book before reading even half of it. That's like reviewing a gourmet dish after eating three bites. It's not fair to the chef, or the future customers that might want to order that meal. You may like the book if you read further, who knows?

No I'm saying that you should completely finish a product before reviewing it. If a pro news reporter/critic said attack on titan was the worst show of the decade without even watching half the episodes, it would be a scandal! It does not make sense to review something you have no way to completely understand because you haven't fully experienced it. If this where a review on a game like cod where you can play for an infinite amount of time, since there is no end to the multiplayer I would be fine with it. But this is a book! something with a clear beginning and ending. It is not even close to being fair to the author to review at that point. If he has the time to review the book, he has the time to actually read it, then come back and make a proper review.

Acedus:You're literally saying that we should stick with a piece of media no matter how much we dislike it? Let's make an example of your train of though because your example is way too misleading for my liking. If I were to play a game that I didn't like for 5 hours, I (according to your logic) should just keep playing because of the possibility of it suddenly becoming good at the 6th hour? That's he stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Except this isn't an anime series which gets a season with a set of episodes every year or so. This is a webnovel that (used to) get updated regularly, meaning that if it can't draw you in within 56 chaps (which is at least 56,000 words worth of reading already mind you), is there really any point in continuing on? Sure there's always the ever-present possibility that it 'gets better' but ignoring the fact that that possibility rarely, if ever, becomes true, if it were to (hypothetically) come true, would it be worth trudging through at least 56,000 words worth of content that you don't enjoy just to get to that point? Excluding maybe you, most people would answer no. It's a cliche line but 'first impressions count'.

ramennoodlez:No I'm saying that you should completely finish a product before reviewing it. If a pro news reporter/critic said attack on titan was the worst show of the decade without even watching half the episodes, it would be a scandal! It does not make sense to review something you have no way to completely understand because you haven't fully experienced it. If this where a review on a game like cod where you can play for an infinite amount of time, since there is no end to the multiplayer I would be fine with it. But this is a book! something with a clear beginning and ending. It is not even close to being fair to the author to review at that point. If he has the time to review the book, he has the time to actually read it, then come back and make a proper review.

Yes but he still needs to fully experience it to make a valid review. Liking it or not has nothing to do with it. With that logic, “Artists have very long albums with many songs. If the first song isn’t good the whole album can then be critiqued. Even if I haven’t heard the rest of the album.” It doesn’t make sense and isn’t fair to the writer, or in this case the author

Acedus:Except this isn't an anime series which gets a season with a set of episodes every year or so. This is a webnovel that (used to) get updated regularly, meaning that if it can't draw you in within 56 chaps (which is at least 56,000 words worth of reading already mind you), is there really any point in continuing on? Sure there's always the ever-present possibility that it 'gets better' but ignoring the fact that that possibility rarely, if ever, becomes true, if it were to (hypothetically) come true, would it be worth trudging through at least 56,000 words worth of content that you don't enjoy just to get to that point? Excluding maybe you, most people would answer no. It's a cliche line but 'first impressions count'.

Thing is, reviews here (mostly) aren't made by professional critiques whose occupation means that they have to read the entire thing, these reviews are left by regular people who'd rather not finish a novel that they don't enjoy. Besides, 50,000 words is the average word count for a typical light novel, meaning that Hh's already read a whole 'novels' worth of what the author has to offer. Besides, according to your logic, almost no review on any webnovel is 'valid' because most reviews are made before the reader finishes the novel.

ramennoodlez:Yes but he still needs to fully experience it to make a valid review. Liking it or not has nothing to do with it. With that logic, “Artists have very long albums with many songs. If the first song isn’t good the whole album can then be critiqued. Even if I haven’t heard the rest of the album.” It doesn’t make sense and isn’t fair to the writer, or in this case the author

Exactly, which is why it is fair for me to criticize him for it. Maybe my tone in the previous messages where aggressive (if so I'm sorry that was not my intention) But I was just trying to give a valid criticism to someone who, (from their previous reviews) seems to be quite serious when reviewing a book. Also yes I think that next to none of the reviews on this site are valid. But I'm okay with that most of the time, usually because they will show silliness and a trolly temperament when reviewing. Making it reasonable and allowing me to either not take their review seriously or even laugh along. But this user seems to be very formal and serious during this review which makes me want to point out that (if he is taking this seriously) he has a few flaws in his review. Just criticism.

Acedus:Thing is, reviews here (mostly) aren't made by professional critiques whose occupation means that they have to read the entire thing, these reviews are left by regular people who'd rather not finish a novel that they don't enjoy. Besides, 50,000 words is the average word count for a typical light novel, meaning that Hh's already read a whole 'novels' worth of what the author has to offer. Besides, according to your logic, almost no review on any webnovel is 'valid' because most reviews are made before the reader finishes the novel.

Maybe the author shouldn't delete reviews.


There’s no point in finishing it, when the whole novel has been set on the course of a train wreck from chapter two.

ramennoodlez:Exactly, which is why it is fair for me to criticize him for it. Maybe my tone in the previous messages where aggressive (if so I'm sorry that was not my intention) But I was just trying to give a valid criticism to someone who, (from their previous reviews) seems to be quite serious when reviewing a book. Also yes I think that next to none of the reviews on this site are valid. But I'm okay with that most of the time, usually because they will show silliness and a trolly temperament when reviewing. Making it reasonable and allowing me to either not take their review seriously or even laugh along. But this user seems to be very formal and serious during this review which makes me want to point out that (if he is taking this seriously) he has a few flaws in his review. Just criticism.

"There is no point to finishing a song because the first note was bad" "There is no point to finishing a meal because the first bite wasn't cooked exactly how I forgot to specify I wanted it cooked." "I shouldn't finish anything because I don't like the beginning of it." "There’s no point in finishing it, when the whole novel has been set on the course of a train wreck from chapter two" This is actually ok to think... But as someone who is actively affecting the ability for someone to FEED THEMSELVES it is childish and immature. Having a subjective opinion that cannot help the author in anyway like the one you just shared with me, is why I continued this thread in the first place. There is no point to reviewing something if you will not finish it.

SageDrunkKitty:There’s no point in finishing it, when the whole novel has been set on the course of a train wreck from chapter two.

It’s childish and immature only in your opinion. Do you have proof that author is living only off what he/she earns from this novel? If not, don’t go around using that reason just so you can act like the good guy. That song example is nonsense, I can hit a random key on a piano, but it won’t be a good note. It won’t be a bad note either, it’s only a sound if it’s a single note. As for a meal, I can give you a slab of completely raw steak and throw your rhetoric right back at you. “Just because it wasn’t cooked well, or in this case, not cooked at all, doesn’t mean it’s right to not finish it.” The main issue about this novel, isn’t the fact that just the inconsistencies in small details and plot holes in chapter 2 guarantee a train wreck. It’s that dozens of people cared and did their best to post polite comments and reviews. They encouraged the author and praised what was done well, and tried to gently list out various flaws, plot holes, how the dialogue seems robotic, and suggestions on how the author can make the story even better. For some reason, the author deletes all reviews that aren’t 100% worshipping his novel. Now there’s so much spam of 5 star reviews that it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s the difference between writing a tragedy and telling you that it’s a tragedy, and trying to pass a tragedy off as a comedy. Readers want to read the types of stories they like. They have a right to know both the good and the bad of the story. When all negative reviews are deleted and only 5 star ones made by bots remain.... that’s a scam. Don’t bash negative reviews just cause they’re negative. Your argument only makes sense when it’s applied to specific things, it can’t be applied to everything in general. You seriously attacked the original poster for posting a negative review? When he/she waited 1-3 months (depending on how frequently the author updates) to read one chapter a day, because of the author promising that things would improve, yet nothing happened. That says a lot about your level of maturity. Opinions/reviews aren’t supposed to 100% be helping the author no matter what. It’s supposed to be true. As for whether to be nice or mean about it, that’s up to the individual. Aside from all of that, after looking through your past reviews. Despite you preaching about finishing the whole novel before reviewing, I don’t see you following that philosophy yourself. Don’t impose your expectations on other people and bash them for not following what you think is right, if you don’t even stay true to your own words.

ramennoodlez:"There is no point to finishing a song because the first note was bad" "There is no point to finishing a meal because the first bite wasn't cooked exactly how I forgot to specify I wanted it cooked." "I shouldn't finish anything because I don't like the beginning of it." "There’s no point in finishing it, when the whole novel has been set on the course of a train wreck from chapter two" This is actually ok to think... But as someone who is actively affecting the ability for someone to FEED THEMSELVES it is childish and immature. Having a subjective opinion that cannot help the author in anyway like the one you just shared with me, is why I continued this thread in the first place. There is no point to reviewing something if you will not finish it.

First of all, I read all of my books to completion, even if I am not signed in. Even for the ones I review badly. It is one of my main philosophies that all things should be given a fair chance to improve. Second Your metaphor with raw steak and a single note is not true. You took it to an extreme that obviously doesn't apply to the situation. To make a comparison it's like that classic retort your teacher used to give you when you did something bad. "Would you jump off a cliff if Billy told you to?" Obviously nobody is going to jump off of a cliff and nobody thinks that giving something a fair chance means to tolerate everything. Having the argument that you should finish a steak even if it isn't medium rare doesn't equate to "Eat a raw steak." You have seriously misread my argument. as for your so called "polite negative reviews" "Hello again Baiko, Just going to leave another negative review for you here. Don’t mind me. Remember to delete all reviews under 4 stars as usual. We wouldn’t want the prospective readers to see the true quality. Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. Cheers Baiko. P.S. Thanks for the Xp. 😊"-CharonTheSordid Wow... So unbelievably polite of him. Most reviews are worse than this by a long shot. Also, although I admit I am more aggressive on some of my other replies. In this thread, I am completely polite and helpful to CharonTheSordid. I left a helpful comment that exposed some of his flaws without cursing or showing contempt, while also expressing my sincerity. Please don't try to use this argument again, it is flat out wrong in every aspect to say I "Attack" him. "Opinions/reviews aren’t supposed to 100% be helping the author no matter what. It’s supposed to be true. " The point of a review is criticism. Criticism is to deliver the faults of something in a way that allows for the person who created it to improve. That argument also doesn't work. Also for the first and last time don't call me arguing with you, just like you with me "Preaching" It's fairly annoying when we are doing the same thing. And it's fairly contemptuous.

SageDrunkKitty:It’s childish and immature only in your opinion. Do you have proof that author is living only off what he/she earns from this novel? If not, don’t go around using that reason just so you can act like the good guy. That song example is nonsense, I can hit a random key on a piano, but it won’t be a good note. It won’t be a bad note either, it’s only a sound if it’s a single note. As for a meal, I can give you a slab of completely raw steak and throw your rhetoric right back at you. “Just because it wasn’t cooked well, or in this case, not cooked at all, doesn’t mean it’s right to not finish it.” The main issue about this novel, isn’t the fact that just the inconsistencies in small details and plot holes in chapter 2 guarantee a train wreck. It’s that dozens of people cared and did their best to post polite comments and reviews. They encouraged the author and praised what was done well, and tried to gently list out various flaws, plot holes, how the dialogue seems robotic, and suggestions on how the author can make the story even better. For some reason, the author deletes all reviews that aren’t 100% worshipping his novel. Now there’s so much spam of 5 star reviews that it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s the difference between writing a tragedy and telling you that it’s a tragedy, and trying to pass a tragedy off as a comedy. Readers want to read the types of stories they like. They have a right to know both the good and the bad of the story. When all negative reviews are deleted and only 5 star ones made by bots remain.... that’s a scam. Don’t bash negative reviews just cause they’re negative. Your argument only makes sense when it’s applied to specific things, it can’t be applied to everything in general. You seriously attacked the original poster for posting a negative review? When he/she waited 1-3 months (depending on how frequently the author updates) to read one chapter a day, because of the author promising that things would improve, yet nothing happened. That says a lot about your level of maturity. Opinions/reviews aren’t supposed to 100% be helping the author no matter what. It’s supposed to be true. As for whether to be nice or mean about it, that’s up to the individual. Aside from all of that, after looking through your past reviews. Despite you preaching about finishing the whole novel before reviewing, I don’t see you following that philosophy yourself. Don’t impose your expectations on other people and bash them for not following what you think is right, if you don’t even stay true to your own words.

Reborn: Evolving from Nothing. You made a review a week ago while on chapter 228. There’s ten more chapters after that. That’s just one review. For the note metaphor, you’re the one who was talking about judging a song from only the first note and considering it good or bad. So I said that you can’t judge music from one note, because by itself, a note can’t be good or bad, there’s only meaning when it’s put with other notes and played. In no way is that metaphor an extreme. For steak, people have different tastes. For some this novel might be worse than feces, for others it could be a work of art. People have different standards when judging things. Even so, this novel is one hell of a mess. Dialogue that sounds like robots and completely fake. Like the wizard NPCs and whatnot. Instead of sounding like wizards, it sounds like 5 year old children going to the extreme with role playing. Characters constantly repeating each other. It took 3-4 paragraphs of the MC and his best friend repeating that game money can be exchanged with real life money in different ways before the author let it drop. Forcing the plot. Sudden powers up right before death. Dying from spiders? Instantly gain poison immunity. Bear about to bash your head in? Instantly gain major physical damage immunity. God doesn’t like you and is about to smite you? Suddenly you can kill god now. Yes, you’ve instantly jumped a few hundred levels for no reason. When the MC completely relies on instant massive power ups from plot armor to win his hundreds of battles (every battle that isn’t a minor one) over the whole novel. That says a lot about the author’s writing. The novel constantly worships the MC for being super intelligent yet he’s never shown a hint of not being brain damaged. Novel says MC did hours of research and practically memorized all the info available online. Alright, my leg is broken. I’m completely broke. I’m going to play this vr game to earn enough money to live. Now, after hours of research the best class for me is.... a tank! Yes! I do almost no dps! And my game plan is to solo the game forever because I want to rely on no one! How am I going to farm enough money to live as a tank? I have plot armor! Lack of consistency. Like MC declaring he’s going to head over to a NPC for equipment. Yet half a paragraph later suddenly that NPC actually never existed and all along the MC was actually planning to exercise. Entire skill systems and class setups copied from different novels/games and cobbled together randomly. Even basic math doesn’t add up, 10+6 stamina suddenly equals 8 stamina. This isn’t medium rare steak, this is raw. Now who’s the one taking things to extremes and twisting things out of portion? There have been reviews in the past that mentioned everything in the previous paragraph and more. All the reviews with criticism that aren’t 4 or 5 stars have been repeatedly deleted because the author’s manipulating the 4.7 star rating. Yet you selectively chose to ignore that fact. Why would someone continue to put in the thought to write and post reviews with constructive criticism when it just gets deleted because the author refuses to take criticism? Not to mention there are plenty of people who, both politely and rudely request the author to fix the broken grammar and inconsistencies of the various chapters. He claimed that he would have his editor do it more than a year ago. Nothing. Now he brushes the readers off with “Things are happening in my life. I have no time to do anything.” Yet he has enough time to search for and delete reviews with low ratings daily. The main point of a review isn’t criticism, that is a type of review. The point is to deliver a honest opinion of the novel. There are 2, well, 3 types. Reviews that talk about the novel itself, for potential readers to determine whether they want to read it. Reviews that point out perceived mistakes and plot holes for the author to improv

ramennoodlez:First of all, I read all of my books to completion, even if I am not signed in. Even for the ones I review badly. It is one of my main philosophies that all things should be given a fair chance to improve. Second Your metaphor with raw steak and a single note is not true. You took it to an extreme that obviously doesn't apply to the situation. To make a comparison it's like that classic retort your teacher used to give you when you did something bad. "Would you jump off a cliff if Billy told you to?" Obviously nobody is going to jump off of a cliff and nobody thinks that giving something a fair chance means to tolerate everything. Having the argument that you should finish a steak even if it isn't medium rare doesn't equate to "Eat a raw steak." You have seriously misread my argument. as for your so called "polite negative reviews" "Hello again Baiko, Just going to leave another negative review for you here. Don’t mind me. Remember to delete all reviews under 4 stars as usual. We wouldn’t want the prospective readers to see the true quality. Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. Cheers Baiko. P.S. Thanks for the Xp. 😊"-CharonTheSordid Wow... So unbelievably polite of him. Most reviews are worse than this by a long shot. Also, although I admit I am more aggressive on some of my other replies. In this thread, I am completely polite and helpful to CharonTheSordid. I left a helpful comment that exposed some of his flaws without cursing or showing contempt, while also expressing my sincerity. Please don't try to use this argument again, it is flat out wrong in every aspect to say I "Attack" him. "Opinions/reviews aren’t supposed to 100% be helping the author no matter what. It’s supposed to be true. " The point of a review is criticism. Criticism is to deliver the faults of something in a way that allows for the person who created it to improve. That argument also doesn't work. Also for the first and last time don't call me arguing with you, just like you with me "Preaching" It's fairly annoying when we are doing the same thing. And it's fairly contemptuous.

Really now, you were completely 100% polite and helpful? Everyone can see that you were attacking him/her from your very first comment on this review. You were probably upset by something, and you decided to take it out on someone. Then when confronted, you came up with some nonsensical reason like “oh, uhhh, I..... stalked your profile and looked at your past reviews! Judging from your past reviews, you do very serious reviews. As such it’s wrong for this review to not be the same! Even though this is your review and you’re entitled to your opinion. You must change it because I say so! What? The author deleted all your past serious reviews that gave constructive criticism? So now you’re just doing this to warn future potential readers? I’m sorry, can you repeat that? I tend to selectively forget things.” You don’t have to curse to attack someone, the tone and the way you word things says a lot. “I left an helpful comment exposing flaws and expressing my sincerity”? All I see is you stubbornly defending the author and attacking people for speaking the truth. Don’t try to claim innocence. Come up with better excuses to attack someone next time something upsets you.

ramennoodlez:First of all, I read all of my books to completion, even if I am not signed in. Even for the ones I review badly. It is one of my main philosophies that all things should be given a fair chance to improve. Second Your metaphor with raw steak and a single note is not true. You took it to an extreme that obviously doesn't apply to the situation. To make a comparison it's like that classic retort your teacher used to give you when you did something bad. "Would you jump off a cliff if Billy told you to?" Obviously nobody is going to jump off of a cliff and nobody thinks that giving something a fair chance means to tolerate everything. Having the argument that you should finish a steak even if it isn't medium rare doesn't equate to "Eat a raw steak." You have seriously misread my argument. as for your so called "polite negative reviews" "Hello again Baiko, Just going to leave another negative review for you here. Don’t mind me. Remember to delete all reviews under 4 stars as usual. We wouldn’t want the prospective readers to see the true quality. Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. Cheers Baiko. P.S. Thanks for the Xp. 😊"-CharonTheSordid Wow... So unbelievably polite of him. Most reviews are worse than this by a long shot. Also, although I admit I am more aggressive on some of my other replies. In this thread, I am completely polite and helpful to CharonTheSordid. I left a helpful comment that exposed some of his flaws without cursing or showing contempt, while also expressing my sincerity. Please don't try to use this argument again, it is flat out wrong in every aspect to say I "Attack" him. "Opinions/reviews aren’t supposed to 100% be helping the author no matter what. It’s supposed to be true. " The point of a review is criticism. Criticism is to deliver the faults of something in a way that allows for the person who created it to improve. That argument also doesn't work. Also for the first and last time don't call me arguing with you, just like you with me "Preaching" It's fairly annoying when we are doing the same thing. And it's fairly contemptuous.

I was originally very angry, but you should realize that after I had seen his polite response, I also responded politely in turn. Thus ending my aggressive stance. If you wish I can take the first comment down. I was legitimately tried to give him criticism to help him try and make a better review. Criticism isn't the same as an attack to the person itself. I never said to have him change his review because his review is different from his past ones. I told him that I took interest because of a mixture of past experiences with the person, and his past review format. His seriousness impressed on me that he may enjoy the opinion of someone else. I never tried to force him to change, I just listed a reason that I was giving criticism for. Also, "Just going to leave another negative review for you here. Don’t mind me. Remember to delete all reviews under 4 stars as usual. We wouldn’t want the prospective readers to see the true quality. Don’t worry. My lips are sealed. " is not a very polite way to criticize the author either. Besides, its not even him "Warning future potential readers" its just being angry. Like your passive-aggressive little sister. Except on the internet. Why is having an argument, attacking somebody? It's just an argument on the internet. Even if I wanted to I couldn't attack you, this site isn't even big enough to have an impact on any bodies reputation. Also, quotations are supposed to be the exact words of the person who said it. That's why it's a quote. There are better ways of being sarcastic. “oh, uhhh, I..... stalked your profile and looked at your past reviews! Judging from your past reviews, you do very serious reviews. As such it’s wrong for this review to not be the same! Even though this is your review and you’re entitled to your opinion. You must change it because I say so! What? The author deleted all your past serious reviews that gave constructive criticism? So now you’re just doing this to warn future potential readers? I’m sorry, can you repeat that? I tend to selectively forget things.” Also I try not to be angry, but you can royally F*CK OFF with your whole "stalking" argument. Why can you not just try to understand what I am saying. Everybody has the mentality, that an argument is a battle to the death. I admit I am aggressive, and petty. But I can understand your arguments. 'You are not polite', 'Your reasons for your actions are not strong in my eyes', and that I 'selectively forget things' I do not agree. But I listen. I was not polite. But that was changed as the argument progressed. I will admit my fault. 'My reasons are not strong' I completely disagree in every way shape in form with your opinion. I stated at the very least 80% of what my arguments where with facts from the work, or quotes from my fellow debater. 'I selectively forget things' Wrong. I gave a reason for why I do not find this argument valid. I will repeat that argument here. This argument is not valid, because there is no evidence that the review was deleted, and the review should not have been valid in the first place because they had not even read the entirety of the book before it was reviewed. You are also obviously biased towards the reviewer, Just as I am with the author. It makes no sense for you to defend him in the way you do, so if I am biased and stubborn, you are too. Overall I have said everything I want to say in my comments, and I would no longer like to debate on things that are barely even related to the topic originally argued over. If you think there is more to be argued on, keep it to yourself, I'm tired of this thread.

SageDrunkKitty:Really now, you were completely 100% polite and helpful? Everyone can see that you were attacking him/her from your very first comment on this review. You were probably upset by something, and you decided to take it out on someone. Then when confronted, you came up with some nonsensical reason like “oh, uhhh, I..... stalked your profile and looked at your past reviews! Judging from your past reviews, you do very serious reviews. As such it’s wrong for this review to not be the same! Even though this is your review and you’re entitled to your opinion. You must change it because I say so! What? The author deleted all your past serious reviews that gave constructive criticism? So now you’re just doing this to warn future potential readers? I’m sorry, can you repeat that? I tend to selectively forget things.” You don’t have to curse to attack someone, the tone and the way you word things says a lot. “I left an helpful comment exposing flaws and expressing my sincerity”? All I see is you stubbornly defending the author and attacking people for speaking the truth. Don’t try to claim innocence. Come up with better excuses to attack someone next time something upsets you.

I already said that I have read all my books. I have read all of reborn evolving from nothing. Before I had made the review. Everything after the steak argument relates to reviews separate from the one being debated. I am arguing over this single review. And the faults I find in it. I am done now goodbye.

SageDrunkKitty:Reborn: Evolving from Nothing. You made a review a week ago while on chapter 228. There’s ten more chapters after that. That’s just one review. For the note metaphor, you’re the one who was talking about judging a song from only the first note and considering it good or bad. So I said that you can’t judge music from one note, because by itself, a note can’t be good or bad, there’s only meaning when it’s put with other notes and played. In no way is that metaphor an extreme. For steak, people have different tastes. For some this novel might be worse than feces, for others it could be a work of art. People have different standards when judging things. Even so, this novel is one hell of a mess. Dialogue that sounds like robots and completely fake. Like the wizard NPCs and whatnot. Instead of sounding like wizards, it sounds like 5 year old children going to the extreme with role playing. Characters constantly repeating each other. It took 3-4 paragraphs of the MC and his best friend repeating that game money can be exchanged with real life money in different ways before the author let it drop. Forcing the plot. Sudden powers up right before death. Dying from spiders? Instantly gain poison immunity. Bear about to bash your head in? Instantly gain major physical damage immunity. God doesn’t like you and is about to smite you? Suddenly you can kill god now. Yes, you’ve instantly jumped a few hundred levels for no reason. When the MC completely relies on instant massive power ups from plot armor to win his hundreds of battles (every battle that isn’t a minor one) over the whole novel. That says a lot about the author’s writing. The novel constantly worships the MC for being super intelligent yet he’s never shown a hint of not being brain damaged. Novel says MC did hours of research and practically memorized all the info available online. Alright, my leg is broken. I’m completely broke. I’m going to play this vr game to earn enough money to live. Now, after hours of research the best class for me is.... a tank! Yes! I do almost no dps! And my game plan is to solo the game forever because I want to rely on no one! How am I going to farm enough money to live as a tank? I have plot armor! Lack of consistency. Like MC declaring he’s going to head over to a NPC for equipment. Yet half a paragraph later suddenly that NPC actually never existed and all along the MC was actually planning to exercise. Entire skill systems and class setups copied from different novels/games and cobbled together randomly. Even basic math doesn’t add up, 10+6 stamina suddenly equals 8 stamina. This isn’t medium rare steak, this is raw. Now who’s the one taking things to extremes and twisting things out of portion? There have been reviews in the past that mentioned everything in the previous paragraph and more. All the reviews with criticism that aren’t 4 or 5 stars have been repeatedly deleted because the author’s manipulating the 4.7 star rating. Yet you selectively chose to ignore that fact. Why would someone continue to put in the thought to write and post reviews with constructive criticism when it just gets deleted because the author refuses to take criticism? Not to mention there are plenty of people who, both politely and rudely request the author to fix the broken grammar and inconsistencies of the various chapters. He claimed that he would have his editor do it more than a year ago. Nothing. Now he brushes the readers off with “Things are happening in my life. I have no time to do anything.” Yet he has enough time to search for and delete reviews with low ratings daily. The main point of a review isn’t criticism, that is a type of review. The point is to deliver a honest opinion of the novel. There are 2, well, 3 types. Reviews that talk about the novel itself, for potential readers to determine whether they want to read it. Reviews that point out perceived mistakes and plot holes for the author to improv

Uhm, so both sides here hold some sort of weight I guess? It pretty much depends on the story of the book, but I wouldn't leave a review below 100 chapters, unless it's a literal trashpile deserving of a 1star, which is easily recognizable in almost all cases. You don't need to read 2500 chapters to leave a 1-2 star on Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God for example, as it's simply a ****ty "story" made out of literal repitition every 100 chapters of so. It's a great read just to burn brain cells, but as a novel? It's worse than a bad Mcdonalds serving as fast food. Point is that a "100 chapter review" is more of an "This is bad/good" opinion than a "review", but they both work in criticism.


The norm is to review books you have finished, but this does not take into account the situation where you have begun to read, tried valiantly to continue to read, and finally realized that the book in question is quite distasteful/unenjoyable to you, and definitely not worth another moment of your time. Then I would say yes, go ahead and review it. You've read as much of the book as you wanted to, and if it had been written better or differently, you would have finished it. You have read the book, you just haven't read all of it. Why shouldn't you warn other readers about your experience? In this ocean of perfect reviews, I was looking for negative to get a feel for pros and cons of the story but barely found any! I don't believe a novel on Qidian is so perfect. I need positive and negative. For many of us, there is a strong instinct to spare another human the unpleasantness we have just encountered. If you must post, then it seems fair and fitting to create a cautionary review.