2019-10-18 03:18

i got bored after chapter 38 i personally i think the story became pointless after you basically settled him down at six years old and to the system at that. the system was suppose to help him along his journey not get jealous girlfriend fever and possessive an also not give him missions for six year when that was her purpose in the story to begin with she should have just stayed a little sister figure she is not FL material. Btw what person starts thinking about getting married at 12 i understand it was supposed to be a cute story but there is no destination he says he wants to enjoy his life to the fullest but what does that entail getting married? having a few kids? travelling and exploring the world? and if all he wants is to settle down what was the point of going to a world with alot of action is? have you even thought of the plot line or are you just going with what you feel like doing that day when you write each chapter p.s. i don't think your story is bad but, i do think the plot has no real direction. anyways best of luck!

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I really want to see authors opinion on this comment


Mister MUMBAJUMBA, join my discord so we can discuss why I deleted your review. In fact, I have already talked about you with my readers before deleting it, come if you dare, here's the invite: https://discord.gg/k5dXYH

Mumbajumba:I really want to see authors opinion on this comment

I'll come when I have some free time

T0X1N:Mister MUMBAJUMBA, join my discord so we can discuss why I deleted your review. In fact, I have already talked about you with my readers before deleting it, come if you dare, here's the invite: https://discord.gg/k5dXYH

pero no dijo nada

Mumbajumba:I really want to see authors opinion on this comment

nah don't really matter author seems to don't even know the plot at all so don't read its not worth you time and I'm not reccomending this to doulou Dalu fans coz you guys will only get disappointed

Mumbajumba:I really want to see authors opinion on this comment
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