A rare gem. Quite different from most novels on this service. While several of the categories you might throw it into (reincarnation, system, gender-bender) are fairly common, this novel handles them differently. None of these elements feels intrusive. This isn’t a story about someone being given god like powers and going on a conquest, it is about several well developed characters trying to survive a bad situation. Some of the characters may seem irrational or evil at first, but attention to subtleties quickly hints towards deeper realities that are further revealed as the story goes on. With a little effort to try to understand their complexities, each character of the main cast is likeable. Writing quality is excellent, the author shows true talent with words. While there are a couple of typos and awkward choices of words near the start it remains easy to follow and the artful composition easily makes up for it. The later parts approach a level of finish you might find coming out of a traditional publishing house. That leaves only one last point. The only down side of this novel is that it is unfortunately abandoned. I normally avoid abandoned novels, but given the number of chapters I figured it might be completed so I gave it a try anyways. While it doesn’t reach the end, it develops enough to understand where things are going and leave the reader somewhat satisfied. Even in its current state I would recommend it. If the author does every decide to complete or restart the novel again I will eagerly read it.
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