
Review Detail of Purples_On in The Golden Watch Of Hypnosis

Review detail


This is one of those rare series where the main charecter is actually harder to get a read on. As he changes so much in the first two days of the story. I am considering re reading the initial chapters because I feel there are many contradictions in the charecters thoughts and his actions. Also we are told different things about certain stances depending on the situation. Now I can't tell if this is the author perposefully throwing us contradictions as to make indecisiveness and hypocrisy charecter traits. Or is its just poor exicution of the charecter by the author. This aside I am really enjoying this novel and the MC inconsistencies is my only issue so far. Stateing your view, only to change it hours later is not growth. I also feel like the time line for the story is too unrealistic.


The Golden Watch Of Hypnosis


Liked by 3 people




Wow thanks, the inconsistent personality of Tenshi is intended to be that way from the start. Even he himself says that he's a bit of an hypocrite.


Ok cool. That's interesting. Keep up the good work. I really like this story. Sakura best girl.

Gyihhuhu_:Wow thanks, the inconsistent personality of Tenshi is intended to be that way from the start. Even he himself says that he's a bit of an hypocrite.