2018-10-26 05:44

I'm kind of annoyed that some reviewers left low scores just because they were impatient and jumped to conclusions. There are reasons for his actions. Even Li Qiye wouldn't fare better if he was thrown into that kind of situation. He was basically thrown into a totally different and unfamiliar world. Surrounded by enemies and suffering from a severe lack of information on the happenings around him. The game he played in his previous life was very unreliable and misguiding in that regard. Even we, readers, were misled. Hence the dissatisfaction from the misguided reviewers. It's 37 chapters in, we're still not clear of what's happening. Personally, I'm in no rush. Even with all of this, the story is still very exciting and addictive. The MC is improving fast and learning, along with us readers, more about this totally foreign world and its secrets.

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