
Review Detail of KenJustKen in The Supreme Uprising

Review detail


** Well, seems webnovel.com has added a harder to read account point getting system. another layer deep and then another layer just to CLAIM the points you already did the action for, so because of this, it's requiring I write a review. I know I could just SKIP it, and I know the 5 exp is mostly worthless and only gets ya closer to a useless level raise, but I may as well, since I LOVE THIS NOVEL! Am not allowed to say too much or I'll have to list it as a 'spoiler' which I prefer not to do. This novel is fantastic story! Atlas Studios is very good at translating, although I would VERY much like them to release more chapters per week. It's just too slow for my tastes, then again I am so into the novel and how the main character is.. he's a very nice guy, which is a huge change for most novels of this type. He watches out for family, friends and the service he is in. The only thing I'd like him to change is to give things he finds to others instead of just being a nice guy.. but anyway, I wrote my required review. READ THIS NOVEL, unless you hate very good novels ;) Be well!


The Supreme Uprising


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