
Review Detail of Shakin_Bacon in Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Review detail


Based solely upon the first chapter and the synopsis, it sounds exceedingly similar to 'IRASS'. However, in execution, it is quite good. The writing style flows well and the paragraphs are correctly spaced. Though the quality of grammar is slightly sub par, the story and character development seem solid. Good job if this is your first novel!


Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant


Liked by 14 people




Thank you very much for the review, I will re-review the grammar of Chapter One and to try improve upon it. Would like to add that the story doesn't focus on becoming a Superstar like 'IRASS' it focuses more on the business aspects more such as building a Entertainment Network similar to Fox and Warner Brothers Studios


You are watching Fix...ABC...RT.... YOUTUBE.... JAPAN.... MADHOUSE.... ICE CREAM....

David_Tieku:Thank you very much for the review, I will re-review the grammar of Chapter One and to try improve upon it. Would like to add that the story doesn't focus on becoming a Superstar like 'IRASS' it focuses more on the business aspects more such as building a Entertainment Network similar to Fox and Warner Brothers Studios


David_Tieku:Thank you very much for the review, I will re-review the grammar of Chapter One and to try improve upon it. Would like to add that the story doesn't focus on becoming a Superstar like 'IRASS' it focuses more on the business aspects more such as building a Entertainment Network similar to Fox and Warner Brothers Studios

Fox you stupid auto text!!!

David_Tieku:Thank you very much for the review, I will re-review the grammar of Chapter One and to try improve upon it. Would like to add that the story doesn't focus on becoming a Superstar like 'IRASS' it focuses more on the business aspects more such as building a Entertainment Network similar to Fox and Warner Brothers Studios

IRASS was a bit too nationalistic for my taste. It was ok in the beginning chapters, but after a while...just...ugh. Then, I found the main character's hypocrisy to be vomit inducing. I would have liked to see the author show that the main character had some sort of guilty conscious for taking work that wasn't his, even if only he was from that other world. I mean, if I were to "steal" on such a large scale, even if it wasn't TECHNICALLY stealing because those works don't exist in that world, I would at least lose some sleep over it. I feel like....someone that stole like that would be afraid that someone would find out. But the main character doesn't fear anything, apparently....Or,I would have at least felt some sort of guilt for claiming something as my own when it was really not mine in the least. I mean, imagine how you would feel in that situation. I think the fact that the main character not only feels no guilt for stealing all his work, but them feels no discomfort when someone praises him for being able to compost so many classic poems and **** shows that his empathy is lacking....He doesn't even care that he's BASICALLY taking advantage of the women in his life. I mean he uses a system to put them into difficult situations and then get closer to them because of it. Like, really awkward and difficult situations. He's seems almost sociopathic in the novel. His emotional range is limited in the guilt and empathy aspect except for those that have already shown that they care for HIM. If someone didn't show HIM respect, then they were made out to be terrible people and if they weren't Chinese, then they already had a strike against them due to his own bias. IDK I read ALOT of that novel and couldn't stomach reading anymore after a certain point. It was also very convenient. He gets the ability to hack, just before he needs the ability to hack. He gets math skills....just before he needs math skills. Then, he "creates" the concept of talk shows....an idea he stole from his own world that was originally American, then gets pissy about others copying the idea of talk shows, calling it stealing. I mean, how can you copyright a show concept? Like....not the material in it, but the actual form the show takes is copyrighted....what? Is that an actual thing? Were the people that made the first reality show able to sue because someone else made a show that was in a similar form? Then, the second time he beats up a Korean star, it literally just sounds like he was trying to find a reason to fight them. Because he hates Korea. That point is driven home SO FREAKING MUCH. Sorry about the long comment, lol. I didn't mean to go on a rant about IRASS, I just really don't like it, nothing to do with you at all haha. So...yeah...I hope this novel is...better...... I really have nothing against you....sorry for making you read a random rant........


You need to remember that Zhang Ye is a Gamer. Thus, his mental ability probably being altered greatly by the Omnipotent Being Above.... So it's not Zhang Ye's fault. It's the author's fault... even in the latest chapters Zhang Ye tried to steal Frozen... no wonder the real SARFT banned him, they can't afford to fight Disney.

Theveetah1:IRASS was a bit too nationalistic for my taste. It was ok in the beginning chapters, but after a while...just...ugh. Then, I found the main character's hypocrisy to be vomit inducing. I would have liked to see the author show that the main character had some sort of guilty conscious for taking work that wasn't his, even if only he was from that other world. I mean, if I were to "steal" on such a large scale, even if it wasn't TECHNICALLY stealing because those works don't exist in that world, I would at least lose some sleep over it. I feel like....someone that stole like that would be afraid that someone would find out. But the main character doesn't fear anything, apparently....Or,I would have at least felt some sort of guilt for claiming something as my own when it was really not mine in the least. I mean, imagine how you would feel in that situation. I think the fact that the main character not only feels no guilt for stealing all his work, but them feels no discomfort when someone praises him for being able to compost so many classic poems and **** shows that his empathy is lacking....He doesn't even care that he's BASICALLY taking advantage of the women in his life. I mean he uses a system to put them into difficult situations and then get closer to them because of it. Like, really awkward and difficult situations. He's seems almost sociopathic in the novel. His emotional range is limited in the guilt and empathy aspect except for those that have already shown that they care for HIM. If someone didn't show HIM respect, then they were made out to be terrible people and if they weren't Chinese, then they already had a strike against them due to his own bias. IDK I read ALOT of that novel and couldn't stomach reading anymore after a certain point. It was also very convenient. He gets the ability to hack, just before he needs the ability to hack. He gets math skills....just before he needs math skills. Then, he "creates" the concept of talk shows....an idea he stole from his own world that was originally American, then gets pissy about others copying the idea of talk shows, calling it stealing. I mean, how can you copyright a show concept? Like....not the material in it, but the actual form the show takes is copyrighted....what? Is that an actual thing? Were the people that made the first reality show able to sue because someone else made a show that was in a similar form? Then, the second time he beats up a Korean star, it literally just sounds like he was trying to find a reason to fight them. Because he hates Korea. That point is driven home SO FREAKING MUCH. Sorry about the long comment, lol. I didn't mean to go on a rant about IRASS, I just really don't like it, nothing to do with you at all haha. So...yeah...I hope this novel is...better...... I really have nothing against you....sorry for making you read a random rant........

Mmm...still, I can’t stand to read it anymore either way

SemiDevil:You need to remember that Zhang Ye is a Gamer. Thus, his mental ability probably being altered greatly by the Omnipotent Being Above.... So it's not Zhang Ye's fault. It's the author's fault... even in the latest chapters Zhang Ye tried to steal Frozen... no wonder the real SARFT banned him, they can't afford to fight Disney.

Are you being paid to write this? I had to check thrice which novel you are even talking about. In what way does He use his system to trap his friends? He never threats anyone as bad as the MC here threats his singer. If you knew some chinese history you might understand where his nationalism comes from

Theveetah1:IRASS was a bit too nationalistic for my taste. It was ok in the beginning chapters, but after a while...just...ugh. Then, I found the main character's hypocrisy to be vomit inducing. I would have liked to see the author show that the main character had some sort of guilty conscious for taking work that wasn't his, even if only he was from that other world. I mean, if I were to "steal" on such a large scale, even if it wasn't TECHNICALLY stealing because those works don't exist in that world, I would at least lose some sleep over it. I feel like....someone that stole like that would be afraid that someone would find out. But the main character doesn't fear anything, apparently....Or,I would have at least felt some sort of guilt for claiming something as my own when it was really not mine in the least. I mean, imagine how you would feel in that situation. I think the fact that the main character not only feels no guilt for stealing all his work, but them feels no discomfort when someone praises him for being able to compost so many classic poems and **** shows that his empathy is lacking....He doesn't even care that he's BASICALLY taking advantage of the women in his life. I mean he uses a system to put them into difficult situations and then get closer to them because of it. Like, really awkward and difficult situations. He's seems almost sociopathic in the novel. His emotional range is limited in the guilt and empathy aspect except for those that have already shown that they care for HIM. If someone didn't show HIM respect, then they were made out to be terrible people and if they weren't Chinese, then they already had a strike against them due to his own bias. IDK I read ALOT of that novel and couldn't stomach reading anymore after a certain point. It was also very convenient. He gets the ability to hack, just before he needs the ability to hack. He gets math skills....just before he needs math skills. Then, he "creates" the concept of talk shows....an idea he stole from his own world that was originally American, then gets pissy about others copying the idea of talk shows, calling it stealing. I mean, how can you copyright a show concept? Like....not the material in it, but the actual form the show takes is copyrighted....what? Is that an actual thing? Were the people that made the first reality show able to sue because someone else made a show that was in a similar form? Then, the second time he beats up a Korean star, it literally just sounds like he was trying to find a reason to fight them. Because he hates Korea. That point is driven home SO FREAKING MUCH. Sorry about the long comment, lol. I didn't mean to go on a rant about IRASS, I just really don't like it, nothing to do with you at all haha. So...yeah...I hope this novel is...better...... I really have nothing against you....sorry for making you read a random rant........

Haha no I’m not being paid to write it, who would pay someone to dislike a novel? And yes, he does. He uses he system to get his FEMALE friends into awkward situations so they they are indepted to him on some level and feels NO REMORSE for using his system in such a way. The first time it happened I can understand because he didn’t know what would happen, but then he did it again and again. I can understand nationalism on the level of patreotism, but when you can very clearly feel and read between the lines to see that it’s the author’s own bias that is shining through the novel, I’m sorry it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If the character FELT written that way because that was just his character, then that would be different, but it’s not. this can be seen merely by the fact that any one that isn’t CHINESE is portrayed in a bad light. I would go into more depth, but if you want to read abt my opinion of that novel, go to my blog, I’m on a phone right now. Even if you and I have different opinions about this novel, I hope we can respect each other enough not to degrade into a yelling match over it. I put caps on certain words or phrases in the response in order to correct or emphasize the point I was trying to make, but online that sometimes comes across as me being an a**. I hope I represented my opinion accurately and helped yu underatand what I was meaning in my original comment.

PiffPaff:Are you being paid to write this? I had to check thrice which novel you are even talking about. In what way does He use his system to trap his friends? He never threats anyone as bad as the MC here threats his singer. If you knew some chinese history you might understand where his nationalism comes from

Have never bother to read that irass although I have it on my to read list... 😑


absolutely agree, and even more. Zhang Ye is bigger than Hitler. For him, all non-Chinese are lower forms of life and should not have their own opinions. He boasts of his “talents” as if he had invented everything. The author is a sick bastard. I have become angry so many times, although this does not happen to me

Theveetah1:IRASS was a bit too nationalistic for my taste. It was ok in the beginning chapters, but after a while...just...ugh. Then, I found the main character's hypocrisy to be vomit inducing. I would have liked to see the author show that the main character had some sort of guilty conscious for taking work that wasn't his, even if only he was from that other world. I mean, if I were to "steal" on such a large scale, even if it wasn't TECHNICALLY stealing because those works don't exist in that world, I would at least lose some sleep over it. I feel like....someone that stole like that would be afraid that someone would find out. But the main character doesn't fear anything, apparently....Or,I would have at least felt some sort of guilt for claiming something as my own when it was really not mine in the least. I mean, imagine how you would feel in that situation. I think the fact that the main character not only feels no guilt for stealing all his work, but them feels no discomfort when someone praises him for being able to compost so many classic poems and **** shows that his empathy is lacking....He doesn't even care that he's BASICALLY taking advantage of the women in his life. I mean he uses a system to put them into difficult situations and then get closer to them because of it. Like, really awkward and difficult situations. He's seems almost sociopathic in the novel. His emotional range is limited in the guilt and empathy aspect except for those that have already shown that they care for HIM. If someone didn't show HIM respect, then they were made out to be terrible people and if they weren't Chinese, then they already had a strike against them due to his own bias. IDK I read ALOT of that novel and couldn't stomach reading anymore after a certain point. It was also very convenient. He gets the ability to hack, just before he needs the ability to hack. He gets math skills....just before he needs math skills. Then, he "creates" the concept of talk shows....an idea he stole from his own world that was originally American, then gets pissy about others copying the idea of talk shows, calling it stealing. I mean, how can you copyright a show concept? Like....not the material in it, but the actual form the show takes is copyrighted....what? Is that an actual thing? Were the people that made the first reality show able to sue because someone else made a show that was in a similar form? Then, the second time he beats up a Korean star, it literally just sounds like he was trying to find a reason to fight them. Because he hates Korea. That point is driven home SO FREAKING MUCH. Sorry about the long comment, lol. I didn't mean to go on a rant about IRASS, I just really don't like it, nothing to do with you at all haha. So...yeah...I hope this novel is...better...... I really have nothing against you....sorry for making you read a random rant........