
Review Detail of WinterBud in What in this world! Oh... Wait a minute. It's another world.

Review detail


Constructive criticism: I'm not going to go into the writing style and presentation because everyone else pointed them out already (if you could do it soon, set aside time to apply those great pointers). You have good ideas going, they're obviously going to keep coming, but you are too focused on simply dumping them out. Please take time to think about how you're going to show it to readers in a way that they'll find easy to take in and digest. Please also shift your focus away from getting new readers and think more deeply about how you could get repeat customers.


What in this world! Oh... Wait a minute. It's another world.


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I am not really trying to get new readers ATM, I am just trying to keep my library full... also, I don't think about more than the major plots, the rest just happens as it happens, that's the type of writer I am... If I don't follow this format of writing it is boring for me, so I will loose interest and just stop doing it after a few weeks.;,;.