What it up with the writing? I swear that I spotted a spelling mistake, but it was fixed in a blink of the eye! Sneaky! And whats up with the updating? So far it have been one update per day at minimum, how are you supposed to be able to keep that going? And you even publish more chapters some days! Is the MC developing? I mean he gets lots of OP stuff, but how is he supposed to be able to use them? And there is a lot of foreshadowing for further developments, but can we trust them? So far it seems we cannot trust that things goes as they should at all! Whats with the characters? They are totally awesome! Keeps distracting one from the lack of names! And what is with the world background? There is totally no info dumps! Everyone loves info dumps! Regardless of everything, this novel is a clear 5.0, no bias.
Liked by 88 people
LIKE"Playing a FPS game? Well, lets just have my own mouse driver software get some head-shoots while i watch that movie. It is perfectly legit, as it just speeds up the response time so that it clicks before i even get to the computer." "headshots" "It's perfectly legit" "before I even get" "mouse driver's software" (not sure if that's even a thing....) "Looking for a job? Make sure everyone around the boss knows just how perfect you are for the job. Having others bragging about your excellence is more trustworthy and gives possible deniability." What's "possible deniability" even mean..... Shouldn't it be "plausible deniability"?
"Foo, a young (read: not old) bright computer genius, excels in life by always taking the easy way. If life were a game, he would definitely pick the easiest mode." "who excels in life" would be better. "Exams in school? Just read all books once and make sure you do not forget the contents." "don't forget" would be better. "Gambling sites and online casinos? Data-mining, numbercrunshing and image recognition!" "number crushing"?
Don't mind me, just hunting down all the errors one by one in my spare time. And giving suggestions for better ways to word things. You've got a great story going on, keep up the good work! ^-^
Thanks for the feedback! :) I have actually kidnapped another author to do some proofreading for me, but they escaped when still not really done with the synopsis, so I did never get around to update it. I have done another clean up of the synopsis now, please do tell if it is better. :) By the way, "mouse driver software" is the software that makes the mouse tick. I do believe it is written like that. Correct me if i am wrong. With "possible deniability", I was thinking that it would be possible to deny that you had claimed to be as good as they said. I'll go with "plausible deniability", but I am unsure if it have another nuance to it. And no, not "number crushing", i might have misspelled a bit, but "number-crunching" is the proper word. Computer term. :p
Sorry, that was a typo on my part. The summary had "numbercrunshing" and I meant to point out that it should be "number crunching". Should be a "c" instead of a "s".
The benefit of posting here is that it will show up in my inbox, which does not happen if you just comment on a chapter. But it is better to post it at a chapter, as then it is easier to see what it pertains... If you feel really dedicated, I might be able to set up a Google Document where you can make the suggestions. You should definitely do that, I even have cookies for you 🍪🍪 The last one run away, but I promise I have cookies for you 🍪 Or you can use the discord server: https://discord.gg/DCMnmye
I'll just post it in the chapter's comment section and comment about it in this review. I'm a really lazy person, I tend to laze around while binging on web novels. And I get depressed often. Since most of my web novels are on this site I probably won't completely forget about it's existence. Yep, I'll stick to commenting, seems like the most reliable option. And that last cookie of yours "ran" away, didn't it? XD
It was the last editor that I kidn... Err... It was the last editor of mine that ran away. And I do not think it was a cookie. At least that tasty brain did not taste like one.
Eh? You weren't referring to Cookie Number Two of the two cookies emojis running away which only left you with one cookie for me? I'm confused... @.@
@ZombieSpy Hey I tried finding some mistakes from chapter 1 (since chapter 1 entices people to continue reading): (Also forgive me for being a complete grammar n*zi but I hope the feedback helps :V ) 1:All I's (as in talking about yourself) are in capital in english, doesnt matter whether its mid-sentence or not 2:I would write this sentence as: ''Just because I used a little undocumented acces-point in the secret service's servers to get rid of the first group of gangsters that approached me the rest just felt the need to team up on me?'' I personally think it flows a little better. 3:I'd change ''everyone that were reported to be the cause his death'' Into: ''all people that were reported to have caused his dead/to be the cause of his death 4:Change ''inwardly maniacal evil-scientist laugh'' into ''inner maniacal evil-scientist laugh'' 5:I'd write ''He was currently a soul or something, and therefore didn't have the body or vocal cords that he was used to'' 6:Further i have to=Furthermore,I have to 7:I'd change ''And if you looked upon the earlier statement, it could be seen as when you are born,'' into: ''And if you combined this with the earlier statement it could be seen that when you are born'' 8:I'ts ''exactly what do the rules state then?'' (This is just a gimmick of the english language: rules are plural but you have to treat them here as if the rules are singular) 9:''Slightly apologizing the voice answered:'' should be changed into ''The voice answered slightly apologetic:'' 10:Anyone of them should be changed to any of them in ''and that it would be alright to enter anyone of them instead." Worlds arent people (well maybe they are in this story but generally they arent regarded that way, idk) 11:Change this sentence to this ''The only explanation would be that the rules in some way state'' 12:Change ''so it is of uttermost importance'' to ''so it is of the utmost importance'' 13:change another word to another world (just a little typo) 14:when you say ''usually Gods tend'' you say the same thing twice since usually and tend both implicate that he (the god in this instance) does this most of the time. This can be solved by just using one of these two 15:Change ''but it is how it have become'' to ''but this is what it has become to'' (or you could just opt to say ''but it is what it is'' 16:''There is no wonder'' should be changed to ''It is no wonder'' 17: ""as he is to lazy"" --> ''as he is too lazy'' 18:''you completely screw up my plans'' ----> ''you completely screwed up my plans'' I'm interested in what will become of the novel and hope this helps (Also great plot)
1: Fixed. I am carefully hunting thoes pesky renegades down in new chapters, but search-and-replace for old chapters are hell. 2: I do not agree, I feel that the artistic pause is better. Are you sure you feel that way? 3: I was sort of trying to not exclude legal persons such as corporation and governments. `people` feels a bit excluding. Of course, no need to clarify this in the story, it is just a deep and profound thing hidden in the text. Maybe a spoiler~ Anyway, do you think that it does not work? 4: Ok 5: Alright then 6: I guess 7: I made another change, better? 8: All hatE the English language. 9: I do believe it depends on what you want to emphasize. But a comma is clearly missing. 10: Unless the worlds are personified? Then you can enter anyone... Creepy... Anyways, fixed 11: Fixed 12: Fixed 13: Unless there is some profound meaning here... DAN DAN DAA! The plot deepens... 14: I thought it worked great, but I will trust you on this one. 15: Is it not `come to` rather than `become to`? 16: There are no wonders in the world~ 17: Where did that o run of to? O.o 18: Your suggestion seems to indicated that it is in the past? But the plans are stretching into the future. And Foo is not necessarily done with the screwing yet. It is not that the God abandon the old plans, he just adjust them. Or am I wrong here?