
Review Detail of DeJeL in Moving to He'sTheOne

Review detail


*Remember, this review is based on the first 6 chapters.* Constructive Criticism:I suggest giving us readers either a strict schedule you will adhere to (you can type a chapter, set it to release at a specific time, and then update less often on a strict schedule) or to update at-least once a week.;,;. Positive feedback: I normally only read till chapter 5 before reviewing... but I couldn't help but to continue to chapter 6, that's just how good it is, I don't really know how to specify what I like about it.;,;. Personal Feedback: I have already read till chapter 6 and will continue reading for a few more chapters before going to sleep tonight... Please don't drop this novel.;,;.


Moving to He'sTheOne


Liked by 1 people




I Want to apologize for taking everything down. I was going through a difficult phase and wanted more for the story. After a while, I got to thinking. "My story is supposed to be on webnovel, a lot of people loved it there" SOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am now reposting the chapters along with some of the revisions! I had to move the book because of situations, but I would love and appreciate your support! The book moved to the title He'sTheOne. https://www.webnovel.com/book/he'stheone_22876511706959005


Hai~ I'm the editor and co-author of this work. Not sure if you know yet but we're currently on hiatus because both me and the author are currently really busy with our personal lives ;-; And we did state that we would do 3 chapters per week updates in the later chapters. Usually the author updates at 8 pm during her time or later in the night =w= We're also trying very hard not to drop the novel so please wait! ;v; Also, your love for this work is much appreciated~!