
Review Detail of Fenrir323 in New Earth- The Dungeon of Madness

Review detail


This is a well written Story. It plays in the same Universe as "New Earth - A world of Chaos". It is not necessary to read "A world of Chaos" to love the Story, but if you already read it you have some nice background stories to certain events (like "Hey there is the MC from the other Novel. Nice.." unimportant to the story, but a nice surprise for the reader). Both Novels have a lot of potential, but there is always one downside. The author announced he will write a third novel "New Earth - Blessings and Curses". I fear that the author bites of more then he can handle. The new novel will probably have a high potential too, but if one tries to write 3 Novels at the same time in his free time the story won't progress. I would prefer if the Author would focus on one Novel (please "New Earth - Dungeon of Madness) and finish it and write the other novels, one after the other instead of beginning 3 Novels and never finish one. I will not read the new novel "Blessings and Curses" because I expect it to go on hiatus in the middle of the book. (I hope the Author can prove me wrong). All in all. This is a nice Novel about Dungeons which will need a long time to finish.

New Earth- The Dungeon of Madness


Liked by 4 people




I know it looks like I am aiming for too high but I think that it is necessary for the type of story I am going for. In the case of Seven, I only mentioned him and did not bring much interaction but it will be different with Two since their adventures take place in the same empire. Each number will interact with each other in different ways. All the stories are interlinked and although it is true that I could finish a story first, I want to keep having the different mcs interact with each other. I don't want to fully write one and to have to rewrite the story to add stuff. The key is planning which I don't do too much. I plan to a certain extent but I can't fully plan 12 stories in one go ^^ I will take your advice in mind and try to complete one novel at a time but that would still need to wait for me to be on holidays. As explained, uni comes first. Thanks for the review, appreciate it.


I hope your plan of 12 interlinked stories in the same timeline comes true. If you manage to write your Novels at a nice pace (so that you won't lose readers) then you will create a unique story I haven't heard of. This could become one of your major selling points in the future (If the stories are more interlinked than Chaos and Madness). I am looking forward to your finished project (far in the future^^). Good luck for your Uni and Novel.

nikostar:I know it looks like I am aiming for too high but I think that it is necessary for the type of story I am going for. In the case of Seven, I only mentioned him and did not bring much interaction but it will be different with Two since their adventures take place in the same empire. Each number will interact with each other in different ways. All the stories are interlinked and although it is true that I could finish a story first, I want to keep having the different mcs interact with each other. I don't want to fully write one and to have to rewrite the story to add stuff. The key is planning which I don't do too much. I plan to a certain extent but I can't fully plan 12 stories in one go ^^ I will take your advice in mind and try to complete one novel at a time but that would still need to wait for me to be on holidays. As explained, uni comes first. Thanks for the review, appreciate it.

You might want to make one of the stories as “base story” and write others as if the base story is a fact (with some events having some unexpected explanations, like “aha! that’s why he made it this way” or “oh no! she thought this way, but it turns out her understanding of the situation was wrong!”)

nikostar:I know it looks like I am aiming for too high but I think that it is necessary for the type of story I am going for. In the case of Seven, I only mentioned him and did not bring much interaction but it will be different with Two since their adventures take place in the same empire. Each number will interact with each other in different ways. All the stories are interlinked and although it is true that I could finish a story first, I want to keep having the different mcs interact with each other. I don't want to fully write one and to have to rewrite the story to add stuff. The key is planning which I don't do too much. I plan to a certain extent but I can't fully plan 12 stories in one go ^^ I will take your advice in mind and try to complete one novel at a time but that would still need to wait for me to be on holidays. As explained, uni comes first. Thanks for the review, appreciate it.

It might become way too confusing to read your story...

nikostar:I know it looks like I am aiming for too high but I think that it is necessary for the type of story I am going for. In the case of Seven, I only mentioned him and did not bring much interaction but it will be different with Two since their adventures take place in the same empire. Each number will interact with each other in different ways. All the stories are interlinked and although it is true that I could finish a story first, I want to keep having the different mcs interact with each other. I don't want to fully write one and to have to rewrite the story to add stuff. The key is planning which I don't do too much. I plan to a certain extent but I can't fully plan 12 stories in one go ^^ I will take your advice in mind and try to complete one novel at a time but that would still need to wait for me to be on holidays. As explained, uni comes first. Thanks for the review, appreciate it.