Re: Copycat's Basketball
Renji Kenjaki–a basketball addict that has the archetypes of 6 roles. Primarily, Aerial, Defender, Playmaker, Slasher, Shot creator, and Spot on Shooter. There were born with 3 archetypes but there was only one that has 6. And that was him.
Until he got an accident that made him crippled and half of his bottom became paralyzed. With it, he was depressed and took time to recover. Though even with it all, he still coped up and researched about training regimens and coaching as he become old. Training the next generation as an expert. And when he got old, he retired early and got another accident.
Making him go back to the past where he could still run and walk. With the second chance given, he would not take it for granted, they will learn how to fear the all-rounder genius-copycat!
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