
Livros de Romance tristesse para Ler Online - WebNovel


  • l'académie de Naxart

    Dans un monde où un jour un partie des humain ont commencer subitement à faire sortir des flamme de leurs mains, se transformer en fumée, changer de forme, contrôler le sang et bien d'autre encore. Mais le reste des humain attiser par la jalousie, la colère et la haine ont réussi à gagné par la supériorité numérique et ont réduit les mage à l'esclavage mais un jour un élu c'est levé face à tous, sont pouvoir frôlant celui d'un dieu, sauva tout ses semblables en les emmenant dans une autre dimension mais se n'est pas l'histoire qui nous intéresse aujourd'hui, vous aller suivre une jeune mage qui arrive tout droit de chez les humain et vous apprendrez comment elle a découvert le monde dont elle fait maintenant partie et dont elle a toujour fait partie. Et un mage en particulier dont la naissance n'a apporter que chaos et tristesse malgré lui . Pas de plagiat merci

    fouet_fouet · Fantasia
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  • Unexpectedly (Original)

    Alice is the author of an ongoing book, “One Shall Reign”, a story that revolves around the four princes who will struggle to prove their worth as the sole Emperor of Apeiron Imperium Empire without knowing the real successor. However, known for her absurd and lame plots, tends to favor only the first two princes and the youngest with optimistic traits while punishes the notorious third prince with pouring misfortunes who will be the inhumane and cold-blooded antagonist of the story. But unexpectedly, the unfinished book she’s eagerly writing gobble her up and took her to the realm of her own creation. And what she has unforeseen, were the eyes of frightened individuals in strange clothes watching in horror and the blazing sword pointed at her neck mercilessly in an inch as the man with striking beauty both in appearance and dressing growls, “I have no care if you are a Saint blessed by Gods nor a ruler with thousands of men but if you cross this distance with the length of my sword then I have no space to spare.” His sparkling dusty-white hair is as pure as the freshly bloomed Camellia flower trapped in the middle of a Volcanic eruption but at the same time cold as the cruelty of a muddy ice frost. The crimson red eyes staring down at her, are burning but heavy and dark as the buried stories of heroes’ blood slaughtered in a snow-clad battlefield that further intensify his exquisitely shaped facial features to its utmost glory. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he’s the ultimate definition of the art of human beauty and warrior sculpture carved to perfection by thousands of proficient artists that took years to hone. By then, she has realized that those lines were referred to the one and only neglected character of the tale, Tristesse, the bride-became-wife-now of the beastly and brutal villain of her story, the third prince. And she became who she didn’t expect… unexpectedly.

    IAMLARRAINE · Fantasia
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  • The Melancholic Heart Of A Broken Girl

    Before the killing game ensared her at Ascendant Academy, Tristesse Beaufoy was just a young girl emeeging from her shell—until all that remains of her were bones and scars. Explore the life of Tristesse Beaufoy, the daught of France's wealthiest man in this dark and twisted fairy tale about love, hatred and revenge.

    thewriterprotege · Urbano
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