Después de tres años de matrimonio, Wendy Stewart estaba acostumbrada a los comentarios sarcásticos de Michael Lucas, sus amenazas frecuentes sobre el divorcio e incluso su indulgencia con una amante. Pensó que podría soportar todo esto toda su vida, hasta que accidentalmente quedó embarazada de un niño que Michael no quería. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy firmó el acuerdo de divorcio y se fue. Pensó que podrían haberse separado para siempre, pero Michael se negó a dejar de buscarla después del divorcio. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, ella era la mejor diseñadora del mundo. Sonriendo dulcemente a su exmarido, dijo: —Mi querido, ya estamos divorciados. Michael simplemente la miró fríamente: —Dime, ¿qué hará falta para que nos reconciliemos?
O maior erro da vida de Alícia, foi tentar cometer suicídio.
Ela se viu no corpo de uma princesa de 19 anos em exílio, na idade média.
E mais? Ela foi forçada a casar-se com o Príncipe Harold; o infame Príncipe de cabelos brancos e temperamento explosivo que não se importaria em matar alguém pelo motivo mais irrelevante.
Agora, seu casamento é daqui a apenas algumas horas e a 'princesa', que por acaso é Alícia, deve mostrar algumas habilidades 'principescas' aos convidados.
Pergunta rápida: É permitido fazer twerk na idade média?
Uma coisa ela sabia com certeza, o casamento seria um desastre e o Príncipe de temperamento explosivo a mataria antes que ela encontrasse um jeito de voltar para casa.
Deus a Ajude!
ThatAmazingGirl em colaboração com Miss_Behaviour (As escritoras de Apaixonada(o) Por Um(a) Cleptomaníaco(a)) estão trazendo-lhe outro livro.
O que você faria se de repente se encontrasse no corpo de uma princesa na época antiga?
E mais, ele não é apenas um lobisomem, ele também é amaldiçoado pela deusa da lua.
O que ela deveria fazer? Estava confusa e não tinha ideia do que estava acontecendo. Casamentos na idade média eram estranhos! O que diabos é 'Recitação das Virtudes'?
Deveria fingir desmaiar? Esse foi o único pensamento que fez sentido. Então foi o que ela fez.
Ela lentamente desabou no chão e ouviu todos começarem a arfar e exclamar.
Alícia queria que a tirassem dali e então encontraria uma maneira de fugir. Mas talvez ela tivesse mesmo azar, porque quando ela espiou por debaixo dos cílios, se perguntando por que ninguém estava vindo para carregá-la para fora, viu uma túnica dourada, antes de a pessoa se agachar diante dela.
Ela fechou seus olhos fortemente e prendeu a respiração. Afinal de contas, ela era uma atriz. Ela poderia encenar isso impecavelmente.
"Foi uma má atuação, minha senhora." A voz profunda falou, causando arrepios em sua pele.
"Eu só vou te dar três segundos para se levantar."
Sua voz não era realmente ameaçadora, mas de algum modo ele comandava medo, especialmente com a maneira lenta e cuidadosa com que ele falava. Ela ouviu que ele era mal-humorado. O que ele faria após os três segundos passarem? Ele a mataria? Então ela morreria aqui? Como ele sabia que ela estava fingindo? As pessoas na idade média geralmente eram inteligentes?
Ela abriu um olho para espiar e o viu olhando diretamente para ela com um sorriso sarcástico.
Lobisomem (Check)
Príncipe amaldiçoado (Check)
Transmigração (Check)
Comédia (Check)
Romance (Duplo Check)
Villainess 101: The President's wife is a vengeful devil
"Handsome, we must have met before. Was it in my bed... or was it in yours?" Shera Black asked, sitting on a snake-print sofa. She had her chin rested in her right hand as her left hand twirled a wineglass leisurely.
Leo Qin who was standing before her narrowed his gaze. "Are all women so unrestrained these days?"
"I don't know about other women." The woman's lips curled into a sinister smirk. "But, you may want to step aside. You are standing on a booby trap."
Leo Qin was speechless. This woman stole his heart, and now she set a trap for him? Preposterous!
Falling from the grace of an aristocratic family, Shera Black's view of the world crumbled along with her state of mind.
How does it feel to lose everything overnight? Heiress-turned-beggar? Unimaginable!
The world was cruel...
but it was much more cruel to her. Why?! Just because of some measly facts that were beyond her control and sins she didn't commit?
And just when everyone thought she was done for... when they all thought she was on the brink of insanity or suicide, Shera Black unexpectedly rose right back up.
Shera Black: Hello world, I'm back! Miss me already?
World: Wait. Something's not right. She has become a villainess?!
And this villainess was clearly not here to make friends. She was back to wreck harvoc and destroy the world!
Not only that,.... She was pretty much done wrecking harvoc. Guess what's next?
As the heir to the Qin Empire, everything was under his grasp.
Yet Leo Qin would never have thought that the only thing he didn't predict was the calamity he had poked... and this calamity was coming his way.
Looking at the female 'calamity' before him, he gritted his teeth and hissed. "Woman, you are playing with fire!"
The calamity crossed her legs and glanced right back at him. "I am fire. How can I play with myself, Mr. Qin?"
He looked at her crossed legs and frowned in disapproval. "Women shouldn't cross their legs."
The woman leisurely tapped the armrest. "Oh? Are our legs too short to be crossed?"
"It's disrespectful!"
"Respect?" She looked at him curiously. "What's that?"
Annoyed now, Leo Qin said, "If you continue being like this, no one will want to marry you!"
But the woman just smiled evilly. "Who said I want to get married? Pfft, seriously, who still does that?"
Leo Qin was speechless.
God, can we have a chat? I don't want this woman anymore!!!
Brace yourselves: Vicious Female lead. You may want to prepare yourselves for some of those things female leads don't usually do
Editor: May May
Instagram: Avalorian_
Bersekutu dengan iblis adalah sebuah hal terlarang. Namun, bagaimana jika itu adalah jalan keluar satu-satunya untuk menyelesaikan masalahmu?
Hal yang sama terjadi pada Sean Marvin Jacob. Putra semata wayangnya terkena penyakit langka yang begitu sulit untuk disembuhkan. Semua dokter profesional sudah angkat tangan dengan keadaan putranya itu.
Duda kaya itu hampir menyerah. Namun, di tengah keputusasaannya hadir seorang wanita yang menawarkan bantuan kepadanya. Akan tetapi, siapa sangka ternyata wanita itu adalah sosok iblis yang menyamar dalam tubuh manusia.
Tentu saja, tidak ada yang gratis di dunia ini. Begitu juga dengan bantuan yang ditawarkan wanita itu. Ia meminta jiwa Sean sebagai gantinya agar putra kesayangannya itu selamat.
Akankah Sean menerima tawaran wanita itu dan masuk ke dalam lingkaran setan yang menyesatkan?
Recuperé mis recuerdos y me hice rico después de divorciarme
—Gu Dai, solo me casé contigo para hacer feliz al Abuelo. Si alguien más hubiera salvado al Abuelo, ¡me habría casado con ella de igual modo! No te creas tan importante. —A lo largo de los tres años de matrimonio, el esposo de Gu Dai la insultó en muchas ocasiones. Ella no habría creído que alguna vez fue mimada y rica si no hubiera recuperado repentinamente su memoria.
—¿Por qué había servido voluntariamente a este hombre durante tres años? ¡Este hombre incluso tenía la desfachatez de enamorarse de otra mujer! —¡Lo primero que hizo Gu Dai después de recuperar su memoria fue obtener un divorcio! —Los rumores se extendieron por toda la capital de que la chica de los barrios bajos estaba obteniendo un divorcio del Señor Song!
—¿En serio? ¿No es ella una cazafortunas? —preguntaba todo el mundo.
—Ella solo está jugando a ser la difícil. ¿Crees que realmente puede seguir adelante? —preguntó el Señor Song.
Inmediatamente después de eso, todo el mundo descubrió que Gu Dai había vuelto a la familia Gu en la capital. Ahora era la joven dama de la familia más rica de la ciudad. ¡Resultó que ella era la joven dama de la familia Gu que había desaparecido después de un accidente de crucero ocurrido hace tres años!
—Señor Song, la señorita Gu está fuera de su alcance —decía todo el mundo.
—¿Y qué? Ella no sabe planificar el futuro. Aparte de dinero, no tiene nada más —dijo el Señor Song.
No mucho después, la gente comenzó a descubrir las múltiples identidades de Gu Dai. Era una hacker de alto nivel, una doctora milagrosa, la mejor diseñadora del país... Era todo lo que Song Ling había estado buscando.
Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, él la agarró y le suplicó con lágrimas en los ojos:
—Dai, no me importará si tienes sentimientos por otros. ¿Podrías dejarme quedarme a tu lado de todos modos?
For six long generations war, waged in the lands of Adora Halfryta. It all began during the reign of 2nd Cleric. With the passing of the Temple's edict - The colonies across the continents of Halfryta, fought. In order to establish their own power, dominion, territories & place in history, for six generations honourable battle raged across these holy lands. In the face of the Holy Temple, and its' counter part Halfryta's Scions, it would be after the fighting that the lords of Halfryta fully emerged a third ruling faction. This happened when the fighting was brought to an end by 6th generation Scion, bearer of fire, Azure King Aohd Egan. Few non-human settlements remain in open sight near civilization after experiencing much indiscriminate torment. Peace came at a cost. Eight years since the end of The Lords' War: the divide between the Adora Temple, The Lords, and The Scions is clearer than ever. Now, King Aohd's son Marise Egan, the soon to be crowned, 7th generation scion of fire and his friends must find for themselves destiny is choice as is truth. The stench of chaos lingers still, and it is why the scions exist. Has a new age of order truly begun? Or will chaos tip the scales yet? Only The Goddess Halfryta knows.
Follow the journey of 7th generation scions Marise Egan, Eurus Clover, Maralah Clover, and Fenris Benebarakk in their early youth as they learn and grow together at Adora Templum, the temple monastery and a home and school to believers and followers the Goddess Adora and her teachings, following their coronation as bearers of the scions’ duty learning live with their new-found powers.
Journey with young Fenris as he settles the deep inner conflicts between his conscience and his obligation to his family and nation. Torn by the actions of his father, a powerful and violent king in support of seceding from the holy teachings – siding with the lords seeking to militarize the whole continental world on the heels of the Lord’s War. Fenris, a boy far too mature for his age tasked too early with drawing the line between personal duty, and destiny – while participating both in campaigns of war, and teachings of peace.
This story takes places 2 years after Horde primes fall. This will be Catra's story, and this time Adora isn't around. Will she go to far? Will she find her redemption or will she slip back into her old ways
Villainess? Who cares I am not going to live according to the plot
Adora Von Clara is a daughter of the noble one day she was caught up in a accident a monster pulled her on a lake while their on a vacation she wake up after a few days of coma and remember her last life as a Filipino Vtuber who has barely enough subscribers and views she loved reading mangas and manwha and she remember that on her favourite manga she remembers a villainess named the same as her new life, what would she do to avoid the upcoming death
Mark yakin dialah pemeran utama dalam hidup ini. Setelah didesak bertahun-tahun, dia berhasil menikah dan membangun rumah baru bersama dengan Adora, seorang wanita tangguh di sisinya. Kehidupan pernikahan yang berjalan terlalu lancar jelas menghasilkan tepuk tangan meriah dan rasa hormat tinggi dari seluruh anggota keluarga.
Tapi apakah memang semudah ini?
Mark adalah seorang pianis dan Adora sejak dahulu hadir sebagai penikmat seninya. Mereka yang sama-sama jatuh cinta melalui sebuah pertunjukan musik pun mulai dilanda kegelisahan hebat. Hidup dalam satu atap yang sama ternyata tidak menjamin mereka akan mati pada perasaan yang sama. Semakin lama, tepuk tangan yang Adora berikan mulai terdengar penuh kehampaan. Iris hitam istrinya itu tidak lagi mengarah pada panggung utama, melainkan bergulir dan jatuh tepat ke arah sosok seorang lelaki asing di bangku penonton paling depan.
Malam di musim gugur akhir tahun, Mark akhirnya menyadari bahwa tidak hanya daun-daun saja yang jatuh berguguran, tapi juga hatinya sendiri. Dia kembali kerumah untuk menemukan perabotan-perabotan di dalamnya masih tersusun rapi, jelas berbanding terbalik dengan perasaannya sendiri. Rumah yang selama ini dia bangun di atas pujian dan rasa hormat semakin lama semakin terasa jauh. Mark padahal yakin sudah berdiri di depan pintu masuk, tapi dia merasa belum juga disambut kehangatan. Hanya gelap dan dingin yang dia dapat-tentu tanpa Adora.
"Kembalilah. Rumah terasa asing tanpa dirimu."
Adora mendongak pelan mendengarnya. "Sejak awal aku memang tidak pernah ada disana, Mark."