
Livros de Romance sakura gimp para Ler Online - WebNovel


  • Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

    What do you do when four men come into your life and completely turn it upside down? No, seriously, I have no idea. All I wanted to do was hide away on my ranch with no one to bother me, but apparently, they had different plans. Luckily for them, this was not my first zombie apocalypse. If they learn to listen, we might just get out of this with our lives. If not, maybe I would finally be able to rest in peace. ------ Li Dai Lu was born and raised Canadian in her first life. This meant that she was taught how to share, how to put others first and to keep the peace as much as she could. However, that all backfired in a spectacular way. Reborn in a new time and place, Li Dai Lu did her best to protect all those that she could from the zombies that were wiping out the human race. Unfortunately for her, those she rescued were not as grateful as they should have been. Killed by the very people she saved, she held her breath and waited for the calm, peacefulness of death. But the Fates were not too accommodating and our heroine woke up in her third life, a year before the zombie apocalypse. This time she would live life on her own terms and to those that disagreed... well, she would have a few words for them. With four men at her side, she will shed the cloak of civility and become who she was truly meant to be. This will turn into a reverse harem where she does not have to pick. There is no m/m. Other Novels: Dancing with Monsters: Ongoing Star's Ships: Brand New! Ongoing! Discord: Sakura#6289 Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666

    Devilbesideyou666 · Ficção Científica
  • Star's Ships

    Not much phased Bai Mei Xing. After graduating with a Master's degree in Forensic Anthropology at the age of 16, she became the youngest professor of Anthropology in the history of A University and moonlighted as a consultant for the local and national police forces. All in all, she was a highly intelligent girl with her entire future in front of her. That was until she was abducted by aliens one night while she was sipping hot chocolate by her favorite lake. Years of torture later and she was able to team up with another prisoner and take over the spaceship and enact a little revenge on the crew that held her captive. Facing a completely limitless future, Bai Mei Xing decided to forge a new path for herself. But she would live her life on her terms, even if she was facing a 7-foot warrior species that specialized in killing. Nothing would stand in her way. After all, Star's ships were meant to fly. Other Novels: Dancing With Monsters--- Ongoing Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm--- Finished Rebirth In the Apocalypse: Fight, Flight, or Freeze- Ongoing Discord: Sakura#6289 Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666

    Devilbesideyou666 · Ficção Científica
  • As Silent As A Mouse

    I am being hunted. Well, not me exactly. Someone wants to get their hands on the genius behind A.M.K Pharmaceuticals. They just don't know it's me. I have discovered a way to negate anyone's scent, shifter or human. You would think it wouldn't be that big of a deal... deodorants promise the same thing, but my product is nothing like that. My product turns its wearers invisible to shifters. No, not like that. But shifters need scent more than almost anything else to identify and find a person. Without scent, they can't track down their prey, or smell an enemy coming up from behind. I had originally created it so my adopted father and I could avoid the shifter community. No one was supposed to know about it. Until a little birdy said something they shouldn't have to the wrong person. Now the humans are after me and the shifters want me dead. But that's fine. That wasn't the only thing I came up with. And if I am as silent as a mouse, no one will see me coming until it is too late. This will be a RH novel, the FMC will not have to choose. No MM Check out my other works: Rebirth In the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm (Book 1 in the Rebirth Series) -Completed Fight, Flight, or Freeze: The Healer's Story (Book 2 in the Rebirth Series) -Ongoing Star's Ships- Completed Dancing with Monsters- Ongoing Part Of Your World- Ongoing (Book 2 in the Star's Ships Series) Discord: Sakura#6289 Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 Check out my discord channel for the first chapter! https://discord.com/invite/yYtKzveE6T

    Devilbesideyou666 · Fantasia
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  • Fight, Flight, or Freeze: The Healer's Story

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up in a body that wasn't yours? A much, much younger body? I can't say that I had ever given it much thought. That was until one night when a patient entered the ER where I was working at and shot me point blank in the head. You know, if he wanted a second opinion, all he had to do was ask. But that's besides the point... Some how, some way, I work up in a strange hospital with a woman that looked suspiciously like my mother holding my hand and crying. Over joyed to see her, it took me a few minutes to realize that I was no longer the 25 year old, successful doctor at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the world. Nope, I was a 6 year old girl that for a moment... wanted her mother. When the apocalypse comes, it is everyone for themselves. I have three choices: do I fight for what I want? Will I run away and hide, or will I freeze when the demons of my past come back to haunt me? You might know me as the Healer, but this is my story to tell. ------ Fight, Flight, or Freeze is the second novel in the Rebirth in the Apocalypse series, this time featuring the Healer: Wang Tian Mu and her men. You won't have to read the first one to be able to understand this one, and she is not going to stay a child for the whole thing. Li Dai Lu and her guys will be popping in occasionally, but this is strictly Wang Tian Mu's story! I hope you enjoy! Other Novels: Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's A Charm (Completed) Star's Ships (Completed) Dancing With Monsters (Ongoing) As Silent As A Mouse (Ongoing) Find me on Discord: devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289)

    Devilbesideyou666 · Ficção Científica
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  • Eternal Melody

    "Is there really such a thing as a happy ending?" - [Final Volume] A drop of ink can penetrate the walls, even the walls you took too long to build. After losing her first love due to a traffic accident, Ibuki Sumire transfers to Tokyo. She wanted to escape, to run away from everything that happened. To start over in a place that didn't have him. But a series of clues lead her to investigating the case behind the accident. In that place she learns about the masks people wear. The masks people wear to disgui se their feelings. Sometimes you have to look past what you see on the surface. There she meets him, the person who helps her move forward. But Sumire quickly learns how alike they are. His cold personality is different than the kindness she is used to. However, he is the only one who understands her feelings. It keeps going around in circles, like a drop of paint. Round and round - an endless stream of pain and lies. But, that stream ended the moment she laid her eyes on his paintings. Such rich and vibrant colors, it felt like his emotions exploded. Yet, in the corner of his studio, she found it. The real him, a sakura painting of two people walking hand in hand. A gentle and sweet feeling, something she has never felt before. _ Volume 1: Volume 3: A Single Colour [ Volume 4: A Single Colour II Volume 5: Clear Colour Road [ Volume 6: Eternal Melody [ ___ This book is part of a series 0• Seven Coloured Melody - Pending 1• Eternal Melody - Ongoing 2• Dream Star - COMPLETE Fantasia of the Stars - Rewrite Pending 3• Silver Wish - COMPLETE ___ Join me on discord: Invite Only (ask in comments section) [Commissioned Cover by: Zushidraws]

    XOMatsumaeohana · Urbano
  • Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: La tercera vez es la vencida

    —¿Qué haces cuando cuatro hombres entran en tu vida y la ponen completamente patas arriba? —No, en serio, no tengo ni idea. —Todo lo que quería era esconderme en mi rancho sin que nadie me molestara, pero aparentemente, ellos tenían otros planes. Por suerte para ellos, este no era mi primer apocalipsis zombi. —Si aprenden a escuchar, podríamos salir de esto con vida. —Si no, quizás finalmente podría descansar en paz. ——Li Dai Lu nació y se crió canadiense en su primera vida. Eso significaba que le enseñaron a compartir, a anteponer a los demás y a mantener la paz todo lo que pudiera. —Sin embargo, todo eso se volvió en su contra de una manera espectacular. —Reencarnada en un tiempo y lugar nuevos, Li Dai Lu hizo lo posible por proteger a todos los que podía de los zombis que estaban exterminando a la raza humana. Lamentablemente para ella, aquellos a quienes rescató no estaban tan agradecidos como deberían. —Asesinada por las mismas personas que salvó, contuvo la respiración y esperó la calma, la paz de la muerte. —Pero los Destinos no fueron demasiado acomodaticios y nuestra heroína despertó en su tercera vida, un año antes del apocalipsis zombi. —Esta vez viviría la vida según sus propios términos y a aquellos que no estuvieran de acuerdo... bueno, tendría unas cuantas palabras para ellos. —Con cuatro hombres a su lado, se deshará del manto de la civilidad y se convertirá en quien realmente estaba destinada a ser. —Esto se convertirá en un harén inverso donde no tendrá que elegir. —No hay m/m. —Otras Novelas: —Dancing with Monsters: En proceso —Star's Ships: ¡Nuevo! ¡En proceso! —Discord: Sakura#6289 —Canal de Discord: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy —Instagram: @devil_besideyou666

    Devilbesideyou666 · Ficção Científica
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  • Renaissance dans l'Apocalypse : La Troisième Fois, c'est la Bonne

    ```` Que faites-vous quand quatre hommes entrent dans votre vie et la bouleversent complètement ? Non, sérieusement, je n'en ai aucune idée. Tout ce que je voulais, c'était me cacher dans mon ranch sans personne pour me déranger, mais apparemment, ils avaient d'autres projets. Heureusement pour eux, ce n'était pas ma première apocalypse zombie. S'ils apprennent à écouter, nous pourrions juste sortir de là avec nos vies. Sinon, peut-être que je pourrais enfin reposer en paix. ------ Li Dai Lu est née et a été élevée Canadienne dans sa première vie. Cela signifiait qu'on lui avait appris à partager, à penser aux autres en premier et à maintenir la paix autant qu'elle le pouvait. Cependant, tout cela s'est retourné contre elle de manière spectaculaire. Réincarnée dans un nouveau temps et lieu, Li Dai Lu a fait de son mieux pour protéger tous ceux qu'elle pouvait des zombies qui décimaient la race humaine. Malheureusement pour elle, ceux qu'elle avait sauvés n'étaient pas aussi reconnaissants qu'ils auraient dû l'être. Tuée par les mêmes personnes qu'elle avait sauvées, elle a retenu son souffle et attendu le calme, la paix de la mort. Mais les Parques n'étaient pas trop accommodantes et notre héroïne se réveilla dans sa troisième vie, un an avant l'apocalypse zombie. Cette fois, elle vivrait sa vie selon ses propres termes et pour ceux qui n'étaient pas d'accord... eh bien, elle aurait quelques mots à leur dire. Avec quatre hommes à ses côtés, elle enlèvera le manteau de la civilité et deviendra celle qu'elle était vraiment destinée à être. Cela se changera en un harem inversé où elle n'aura pas à choisir. Il n'y a pas de m/m. Autres Romans : Danser avec les Monstres : En cours Navires de l'Étoile : Tout Nouveau ! En cours ! Discord : Sakura#6289 Canal Discord : https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram : @devil_besideyou666 ````

    Devilbesideyou666 · Ficção Científica
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  • Sakura*

    1st book of the Myths Series. Sakura has lived for a very long time. Each day has been the same routine. Every day, she stays in hiding. Saving the world from itself without anybody knowing. Thinking life would never change, she never expected to come across her mate. When you find the person who is supposed to love you like you're their life, you're supposed to be happy. But how can she be happy knowing she can't tell him who she is or what she is. You can't build a castle on sand, and you can't build a relationship based on lies. Both are bound to crumble. DISCLAIMER!!! NONE OF THE PICTURES OR SONGS ARE MINE! FULL CREDIT TO THE CREATORS! book cover source - Wallpaper Cave

    Ninetails_Neko · Fantasia
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  • Bukan Sakura

    Aku Yoritaka Araki, hidupku akan berakhir beberapa detik lagi. Dunia ini bagiku hanyalah tempat menyebalkan, banyak sekali yang aku benci namun tidak ada yang melebihi kebencian ku kepada keberuntungan, hal tidak pasti yang mempengaruhi jalannya hidup seseorang dan entah kenapa hal itu yang tidak aku miliki di dunia ini. Entah kutukan ini mulai semenjak kapan, namun keberuntungan selalu menjadi musuh utamaku disetiap harinya. Dijatuhi kotoran burung 3 kali dalam sehari bagiku bukanlah hal yang aneh untuk terjadi dan itu bukanlah yang terburuk. Salah satu yang terburuk terjadi saat ujian kelulusan SMA, di tengah-tengah ujian tiba tiba aku diare hebat dan hampir membuat aku tidak lulus dan kesulitan untuk memasuki universitas karena nilaiku sangat rendah. Dan aku sekarang duduk kesakitan disini melihat kereta yang akan mengahiri hidupku hanya karena seorang b*jin**n tiba tiba mendorongku tepat disaat hari pertamaku bekerja setelah 5 tahun menganggur semenjak keluar dari universitas. 'Seharusnya aku tetap jadi NEET saj-. . Wooosh kereta menghancurkan tubuhku menjadi potongan kecil yang tidak terhitungkan. ___ "Selamat pagi Sakura". 'Eh ?'

    NotHooman · Fantasia
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  • Sakura Memories

    This story is about Memories of their life having each other and understand them.

    Sakamichi4614 · Adolescente
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  • Whispers of the Sakura

    DaoistBOajy1 · Fantasia
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  • I am Sakura

    Like the usual the guy gets reincarnated, but the thing is that he is reincarnated as a certain useless kunoichi with pink hair. Sorry if it's bad but it's my first time writing a story. Please tell me if there's something that I can improve. The characters are not owned by me.

    Respek_Ghandih · Fantasia
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  • Sakura Bachi

    Sakura Bachi is about the life a future king "Keisuke Miura" and his friend. Their universe is much like ours, but far vast and different, where many otherworld technology, humans and beast roam wild. The early parts of the story takes place in a prison where the introductions of characters joins Keisuke crew. Weekly chapters

    JustGreat · Fantasia
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  • Sakura in the Gravity

    Three friends one night in Japan receives a text message from an unknown number offering money for killing Yakuza; their journey of friendship in military drama begins. Their fight for life and friendship does take in a lot of places to champion their enemies they never intended to see or know about and save the world they live in.

    Audrius_Razma · Fantasia
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  • The Sadistic Sakura

    Follow the story of a 100% sane and not at all mentally unstable girl as she wakes up in a unfamiliar world with a unfamiliar power as a servant to a god she doesn't even know the name of. Think that it cant be much worse? Well you would be very mistaken. Not only is she a mute who is unable to speak she is stranded in the middle of a dungeon only to find out that she is now the new boss of the dungeon with a insane reward offered to people who are able to beat her. Think that's it? Of course its not Due to the reward offered for her defeat and her being a intelligent being she is immediately fought over by large factions and clans causing her to have to flee and not only lose the little benefits she had but also causing her to be hunted down so she be returned to the dungeon so her benefits can be exploited. Thats got to be it right? Right?... Authors notes Hey I'm the author and you can call me Tainted. A few things I just wanted to say is that I write purely for fun and as such will not have a schedule and so do not expect chapters to be consistent. I am new to writing light novels and so do not expect the highest quality story's from me. also feel free to upload this to other sites if you want as long as you don't take credit for it. lastly thank you for choosing to read this mediocre garbage and I hope you enjoy it.

    Tainted_Blood · Fantasia
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  • Perverse Desires - Boruto x Sakura +18

    Sakura felt like she was dying of shame.. Behind the TV he could see the exit door in the distance. What would happen if just that night Sasuke returned? She could almost see it, walking in to find a totally disgusting sight. His best friend's son and his wife, fucking like animals on the dining room table. She scared, but couldn't almost contain how good she felt. "Look at me, Sasuke-kun," she would say, lost in sensation, "this child does what you can't. Look at me, you damn bastard! Because of you, he has control of my desires." /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ |Boruto X Sakura | BoruSara | Light NaruSaku| NOTICE: Sakura is 37 and Boruto is 17. Strong adult content. If you do not agree with the age difference, or with the possible language, do not enter. WARNING: If you don't want to hate characters like Sakura Haruno, Boruto Uzumaki or Sasuke Uchiha, don't read. /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ people I hope you like, I also want to apologize for the possible spelling errors that English is not my first language

    BoruSaku · História

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