Ela era conhecida por muitos nomes: Demônia, uma bruxa perversa, uma herdeira nascida para governar o inferno, a mais cruel, e a mais venenosa flor no mundo subterrâneo. Poucos sabiam, a herdeira da mais misteriosa organização de assassinatos tinha um sonho simples.
Um sonho que muitas garotas tinham: ter uma vida tranquila com um marido e um filho.
Foi por isso que, quando esta infame líder da organização de assassinos acordou no corpo de Heaven Liu, ela pensou que seu sonho de vida finalmente tinha se tornado realidade. Mas a realidade estava longe do que ela esperava.
Heaven Liu era uma atriz decadente; ela desapareceu dos holofotes no auge da fama. A razão?
Uma gravidez indesejada.
Forçada a se casar com um homem que não amava, o casamento desmoronou facilmente — quase à beira de sem reparo.
Com essa realidade que ela tinha que enfrentar, será que ela seria capaz de consertar os corações partidos de seu marido e filho? Ou a distância entre eles continuaria a aumentar? Com esse casamento sem amor desde o início, haveria uma chance de eles viverem felizes como uma família? Ou seria tarde demais?
O mais importante, será que ela realmente escaparia das correntes que pensava ter rompido? Ou seu próprio inferno a alcançaria para arrastá-la de volta aos fossos do inferno aonde ela pertence?
A tradução para Espanhol também está disponível na Webnovel.
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/transmigr%C3%A9-y-consegu%C3%AD-un-esposo-y-un-hijo!_29071013600828005
Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é de minha autoria. Todos os créditos vão para o artista.
Esta é uma parte da série Wild da autora.
Wild Miss Heiress: Eu reencarnei e consegui um marido e um filho!
Mica Louis was an half-human, half-monster. She had to overcome circumstances of being hated by people because of her scary red eyes and unnecessary anger with threats. Her mum, Blaine was the CEO of Ease Groups, a popular hotel. Mica, being a nonhuman had to give up her favourite hobby, writing.
The unexpected happened. Blaine suffered from a certain disease which would cost her life. This made Mica discover her power that she could change the fates of people. She changed her fate to save her mum. Mica died. Blaine, hearing that Mica died rejoices claiming that her she was free.
No one is to be trusted. Note that. A tragic short story. The fate of Mica Louis. #everyone
This novel is written by T_bel
Deep in St. Louis where the FBI's little detective, Williams Emina, investigates about the disappearance occasions occurring around America for 20 years continously. With the help of her team, Emina discovers about the paranormal case targeting all people of no specific specious. So who would the criminal be? Why would they abduct a large number of people? And how did she discover?
Kassidy Louis didn't exist in real life. She was part of a game, an overlooked villainess with a doomed fate.
But when very real human, Riri finds herself trapped in the aforementioned game, surrounded by five hot guys and a girl who keeps calling herself the 'female lead', Riri might just find love in an unexpected place.
Aletha gadis desa yang memiliki paras cantik rupawan juga hati yang baik dan dermawan. Kecantikannya yang sangat memukau mampu membuat kakak tirinya iri dengannya.
Dia tinggal dengan ibu dan kakak tirinya, ayahnya sudah meninggal 2 tahun yang lalu karena peperangan yang terjadi di kerajaan Le Tiong La.
Meski Aletha selalu diperlakukan tidak adil dia selalu saja diam dan menuruti semua perintah yang ibu tirinya suruhkan.
Aletha sudah sejak lama mengidolakan Kaisar Louis, bukan karena ketampanannya namun sifat kewibawaannya yang mampu membuat Aletha merasa terpukau.
Hingga suatu ketika Aletha terjebak oleh situasi yang sangat darurat dan hal itu membawa dia bisa bertemu dengan Kaisar yang sejak dulu dia impi impikan.
Lalu apakah Kaisar Louis tahu akan hal itu?? Lalu bagaimana dengan Aletha, apakah dia akan mengutarakan apa yang selama ini dia impikan atau malah dia akan menutupi semua fakta itu???
Yuk Buruan baca.
Update setiap hari yaa
After his wife’s brutal murder, Alpha Grey was never the same. Instead of protecting their son Louis from further harm, he blames him for her death, subjecting Louis to mental, emotional, and physical abuse.
Determined to escape his father's torment, Louis flees home hoping to find peace. Still, his troubles continue as he uncovers family secrets that force him to return home for his father's aid. However, his father could not see past hatred, leaving Louis alone to reclaim what was taken from his family.
As territories go to war, the question arises: will Louis rise to the challenge and regain what was lost or face his demise?