
Livros de Romance junmyeon para Ler Online - WebNovel


  • Destiny a Love

    Prolog : "Suyeon-a, sepertinya Baekyeon menyukai mu." Ujar Sejong usai mempergoki Baekyeon yang diam-diam memperhatikan Suyeon. "Lagipula siapa sih yang tidak menyukai mu, Sean saja menyukai dirimu. Ahh aku rasa Baekyeon tidak akan menang melawan Sean dalam mendapatkan hati mu." Lanjut Sejong. Ditempat lain Daejong menertawakan sahabatnya ketika tertangkap basah sedang memperhatikan Suyeon, "Sebaiknya kau mengungkap perasaan mu pada Suyeon, Baek. Aku tahu selama ini kau menyukai Suyeon, bukan?" Baekyeon yang sedang meredam rasa malunya menoleh, "Kau ini bicara apa, lagipula siapa yang suka dengan Suyeon. Aku hanya kagum dengan kecantikan dan kepintarannya." Daejong menggelengkan kepalanya mendengar jawaban Baekyeon, "Sudahlah, kau tidak perlu menyembunyikannya dari ku. Jika kau mau aku bisa membantu mu untuk dekat dengan Suyeon." Sejak saat itu Baekyeon mulai dekat dengan Suyeon, e Baekyeon benar-benar percaya bahwa Suyeon adalah gadis yang baik meskipun banyak yang bilang Suyeon sombong. Tetapi Baekyeon tidak menemukan sifat sombong yang ada di dalam diri Suyeon saat bersamanya. Entahlah, mungkin itu hanya perkataan mereka yang tidak suka dengan Suyeon. Baekyeon dan Suyeon berteman baik, tidak jarang Baekyeon berkunjung ke rumah Suyeon dengan alasan belajar bersama. Mulai dari situlah ayah Suyeon yang bernama Siwun tergerak hatinya untuk mencari tahu siapa anak laki-laki yang sedang dekat dengan Suyeon. "Tolong cari tahu informasi tentang anak yang bernama Baekyeon itu, saya merasa pernah melihat anak itu sebelumnya. Saya tidak ingin Suyeon berteman dengan laki-laki yang tidak jelas asal-usulnya." Ucap Siwun pada seseorang di telfon. "Aku yakin istri dan anak Junmyeon masih tinggal di kota ini, tapi kenapa aku tidak bisa menemukan keberadaan mereka. Pasti anak Junmyeon itu sekarang sudah dewasa, aku tidak ingin dengan adanya anak itu semua yang sudah ku bangun selama ini hilang begitu saja." Siwun melihat Baekyeon yang tengah bermain dengan Enu (anak keduanya) dari jendela mobilnya, "Dan kenapa muka anak itu mengingatkan aku pada Junmyeon, atau jangan-jangan anak itu anaknya Junmyeon yang selama ini aku cari?" Sebenarnya apa hubungan Siwun dan Junmyeon (Ayah Baekyeon)? Kenapa Siwun ingin mencari tahu keberadaan Baekyeon dan ibunya? Dan bagaimana kisah percintaan Suyeon dan Baekyeon, apakah kisah cinta mereka akan berjalan mulus atau tidak? Mari cari tau jawabannya dengan membaca kisah cinta mereka disini.....

    Leebita · Adolescente

    "Will we get a new 'pretty' teacher Sir?", Jongdae asked curiously. "No dear, but you surely will get a new seatmate!", replied Mr. Park. ~•~•~ Two Students - Kim Junmyeon , who's quite Popular among the students for his looks and intelligence. Park Y/N who's also quite popular among the students but! for not having the pretty looks. ~•~•~ "I too want to be pretty..",I heard Y/N whisper to herself. "You are PRETTY!",I spoke up. ~•~•~ From not knowing each other well to knowing each other. From sitting side by side in class to staying by each other's side. For them it all started when they were fated to sit together in their last year of school life.♡

    Pheonix_4348 · Adolescente
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  • Destiny A Love (English Version)

    "Suyeon-a, looks like Baekyeon likes you." Sejong said after catching Baekyeon who was secretly watching Suyeon. "After all, who doesn't like you, Sean likes you. Ahh, I don't think Baekyeon will win against Sean in getting your heart." Sejong continued. elsewhere Daejong laughed at his best friend when he was caught watching Suyeon, "You'd better express your feelings to Suyeon, Baek. I know you've always liked Suyeon, right?" baekyeon who was suppressing his embarrassment turned his head, "What are you talking about, after all who likes Suyeon. I'm just amazed by her beauty and intelligence." Daejong shook his head hearing Baekyeon's answer, "Never mind, you don't need to hide it from me. if you want I can help you to get close to Suyeon." Since then Baekyeon started close to Suyeon, e Baekyeon really believed that Suyeon was a good girl even though many said Suyeon was arrogant. but Baekyeon did not find the arrogant nature that is in Suyeon while with him. I don't know, maybe it's just the words of those who don't like Suyeon. Baekyeon and Suyeon are good friends, it's not uncommon for Baekyeon to visit Suyeon's house with the excuse of studying together. starting from there, Suyeon's father named Siwun was moved to find out which boy was close to Suyeon. "Please find out information about that child named Baekyeon, I feel like I've seen that child before. I don't want Suyeon to be friends with a man whose origins are unclear." Siwun said to someone on the phone. "I'm sure Junmyeon's wife and children still live in this city, but why can't I find their whereabouts. surely Junmyeon's child is now an adult, I don't want with that child everything that I have built so far just disappears." siwun saw Baekyeon playing with Enu (his second child) from his car window, "And why does that child's face remind me of Junmyeon, or could that child be Junmyeon's son I've been looking for?" Actually, what is the relationship between Siwun and Junmyeon (Baekyeon's father)? Why did Siwun want to find out the whereabouts of Baekyeon and his mother? And what about Suyeon and Baekyeon's love story, will their love story run smoothly or not? Let's find out the answer by reading their love story here..

    Leebita · Adolescente
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  • To Call My Own

    DESCRIPTION: They always dreamed of bringing up a family of their own, but even though Chanyeol could give Baekhyun everything, he couldn't give Baekhyun a child. But Junmyeon could. ~~~ ●Park Chanyeol - The husband that everyone dreams of. He loves his spouse so much that he's willing to give his other half anything and everything. ●Byun Baekhyun - A simple,caring, loving spouse, who dreams of a happy home with his husband and, of course, a child to complete the family he always fancied. ●Kim Junmyeon - Born with a golden spoon, he doesn't want to get attracted to anyone, thinking they might only be with him for his money. Now, he wants to splurge on a child, however. He wants to experience being a father, without the strings attached.

    Phaenein · Urbano
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