
Livros de Romance hamilton para Ler Online - WebNovel

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  • The Forgotten Princess Rose

    Years ago when she was only a young girl, Rose ran away with her two friends Alexander and Mathias, just when they were about to be branded as slaves and sold to work in a brothel. Misfortunate fell on the group as Mathias became stuck and to save them, Rose sacrificed herself to distract the brothel owner’s son Graham who hunted them. Rose made her friends promise that in exchange for her sacrifice, they would return to free her. As the years passed and Rose reunited with her friends, she learned that all promises would not be kept. Stuck in a brothel with a man who wishes to turn her into his woman, Rose starts an unexpected relationship with Zayne Hamilton, a general of another kingdom. Zayne offers to buy her from Graham and opens the way for her sacrifice to not be forgotten.

    Violet_167 · História
  • The Royal Contract

    A one-night stand was all she wanted, but that was never his style. Still, they ended up together in a night of passion. No names, no feelings, and no complications. Heiress and advocate lawyer Daniella Hamilton had never wanted her inheritance, only wishing to live a simple life. Still, she ended up in the center of an intense war for power. Now, she had to find the balance between the life she dreamt of and the life that she was meant to have. Enigmatic and brilliant CEO Prince Alexander Princeton renounced his title to his birthright, believing that true power should come from building his own legacy. However, the kingdom faced a new dilemma where he was asked to serve his people and sit on the throne. Separated after their one night of wild adventure. They thought that their unexpected encounter was an isolated incident. However, fate had something else in mind, as they find their way back in each other’s arms, not in a passionate embrace but with a contract that would bind them for a long time. Would their agreement fulfill their dreams, or would it end in a disastrous union? [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] *** Nominated in the WSA - Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021 Thanks to all my readers for all your support. You have been a great inspiration during my journey in writing this story. I would have never made it if not for your encouragement through your votes, comments, reviews, golden tickets, gifts, and continued support. Thank you so much. COVER PHOTO - Commissioned by Vatarison Instagram: bishop_1275

    bishop1275 · Urbano
  • Hamilton cast smut!

    So basically how the story goes is the cast took a vacation and they're in Hawaii and yea. Ima let y'all request stuff too. I can do x readers, threesomes, lgtbq+, (orgy???), really anything ya want idc I'll write it hehe.

    AmeliaMusicals · LGBT+
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  • Alexander Hamilton (modern)

    This is a story about are founding fathers (because I have an obsession with the musical) this will contain gay and trans elements and drinking and self harm and sex and abuse so if you dont like tgis stuff you should leave THIS IS MODERNIZED I will be adding this as a worning as the first chapter so any one who didn't read this will see it.

    loul · LGBT+
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  • Alexander Hamilton (not modern)

    loul · Guerra
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  • Crimes (Hamilton Fanfic)

    They told me my name is Alex. They told me I committed a crime. They told me I was 19, and had a scholarship to King’s College but if I didn’t make this right, it would be gone. What they didn’t tell me, is what I did, or how to fix it. This is a story I put up on Wattpad, it isn’t finished but I decided to put it up on here too.

    VioletW64 · Fantasia
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  • La Princesse Oubliée Rose

    Il y a des années, lorsqu'elle n'était encore qu'une jeune fille, la Princesse Rose s'était enfuie avec ses deux amis Alexandre et Mathias, juste au moment où ils allaient être marqués comme esclaves et vendus pour travailler dans un bordel. Le malheur s'abattit sur le groupe lorsque Mathias se retrouva coincé et pour les sauver, Rose se sacrifia en distrayant le fils du propriétaire du bordel, Graham, qui les pourchassait. Rose fit promettre à ses amis qu'en échange de son sacrifice, ils reviendraient la libérer. Au fil des années et des retrouvailles avec ses amis, elle comprit que toutes les promesses ne seraient pas tenues. Coincée dans un bordel avec un homme qui souhaite faire d'elle sa femme, Rose entame une relation inattendue avec Zayne Hamilton, un général d'un autre royaume. Zayne propose de l'acheter à Graham et ouvre ainsi la voie pour que son sacrifice ne soit pas oublié.

    Violet_167 · História
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  • A Princesa Esquecida Rosa

    Anos atrás, quando ela era apenas uma menina, Rosa fugiu com seus dois amigos Alexandre e Matias, exatamente quando estavam prestes a ser marcados como escravos e vendidos para trabalhar em um bordel. A infelicidade se abateu sobre o grupo quando Matias ficou preso e, para salvar seus amigos, Rosa se sacrificou para distrair o filho do dono do bordel, Graham, que os perseguia. Rosa fez seus amigos prometerem que, em troca de seu sacrifício, eles voltariam para libertá-la. Conforme os anos passaram e Rosa se reuniu com seus amigos, ela aprendeu que nem todas as promessas seriam cumpridas. Presas em um bordel com um homem que deseja transformá-la em sua mulher, Rosa inicia um relacionamento inesperado com Zayne Hamilton, um general de outro reino. Zayne oferece-se para comprá-la de Graham e abre caminho para que seu sacrifício não seja esquecido.

    Violet_167 · História
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  • Die vergessene Prinzessin Rose

    Vor Jahren, als sie noch ein junges Mädchen war, lief Rose mit ihren beiden Freunden Alexander und Mathias weg, als sie gerade als Sklaven gebrandmarkt und zur Arbeit in einem Bordell verkauft werden sollten. Um sie zu retten, opferte sich Rose, um den Sohn des Bordellbesitzers Graham abzulenken, der Jagd auf sie machte. Rose nahm ihren Freunden das Versprechen ab, dass sie im Gegenzug für ihr Opfer zurückkehren würden, um sie zu befreien. Als die Jahre vergingen und Rose wieder mit ihren Freunden zusammenkam, erfuhr sie, dass nicht alle Versprechen gehalten wurden. Gefangen in einem Bordell mit einem Mann, der sie zu seiner Frau machen will, beginnt Rose eine unerwartete Beziehung mit Zayne Hamilton, einem General eines anderen Königreichs. Zayne bietet ihr an, sie von Graham freizukaufen, und ebnet ihr den Weg, damit ihr Opfer nicht vergessen wird.

    Violet_167 · História
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  • La Princesa Rosa Olvidada

    Hace años, cuando era solo una niña, Rosa huyó con sus dos amigos Alejandro y Matías, justo cuando estaban a punto de ser marcados como esclavos y vendidos para trabajar en un burdel. La desgracia cayó sobre el grupo cuando Matías quedó atrapado y para salvarlos, Rosa se sacrificó distrayendo al hijo del dueño del burdel, Graham, quien los perseguía. Rosa hizo que sus amigos prometieran que a cambio de su sacrificio, volverían para liberarla. Con el paso de los años y la reunión con sus amigos, descubrió que no todas las promesas se mantendrían. Atrapada en un burdel con un hombre que desea convertirla en su mujer, Rosa comienza una relación inesperada con Zayne Hamilton, un general de otro reino. Zayne se ofrece a comprarla de Graham y abre el camino para que su sacrificio no sea olvidado.

    Violet_167 · História
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  • The Billionaire's Pet Bride

    "I'll give you five million bucks if you can give me a child." The man's hoarse and sexy voice was like a devil's whisper. In order to get enough money to pay for her grandfather’s medical bill, Maisy Owen got into a strange man's bed. "Good girl." The man gently caressed her face like he was treating an obedient little pet. And then, he suddenly pressed her against the huge thing on his crotch. "If you dare to bite it, you won't get what you want." Choking, Maisy could not help but shed tears, but she still tried her best to play along because she had to get pregnant as soon as possible. However, Jay Hamilton was a very moody man, and he had no intention to let her get pregnant. She was played by him again and again but there was sign of her getting pregnant. She became so anxious that she had to go out of her way to seduce him, letting him take her to pound town regardless of time and place. After putting in an incredible effort, Maisy finally got pregnant with the devil's child. Knowing she was going to be free, she felt she was over the moon. In nine months, she would become the youngest, single, female millionaire. No one would ever know she was prisoned by a man and treated like a puppy. All those days of being pounded by him would go up in smoke. However, she underestimated the desire Jay had for her. After she had been pregnant for three months, he had his way with her again. "You're so thirsty!" The man caressed the swell of her belly and put a ring on her finger overbearingly. "Don't you ever try to run away. You're taken." "No, this is not what I want!" Maisy protested, but was penetrated more intensely. "So do you want this? No hurry, I'll give all of it to you."

    Foggy · Geral
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  • My Bastard Man!

    Peringatan: Rate: 21+ Harap bijak dalam memilih bacaan. Manora James, seorang wanita yang sangat mencintai Aldrich Hamilton, yang tak lain merupakan kekasihnya sejak bangku perguruan tinggi. Keduanya memilih menikah ketika Aldrich memiliki pekerjaan tetap di perusahaan milik keluarganya. Namun, semakin hari sesak semakin menyelimuti hatinya. Bagaimana tidak, Aldrich yang dulunya sangat perhatian dan sangat mencintainya kini berubah menjadi dingin dan tak tersentuh olehnya. Jangan lupakan kebiasaan pria itu yang kini lebih senang menghabiskan waktu di luar dengan para wanita bayaran. Perlahan Manora mulai bertanya, apa dirinya harus bertahan di tengah dinginnya pernikahan mereka atau memilih pergi dan melupakan segala sakit yang membelenggunya. Manora dilema, antara bertahan dan pergi, apa yang harus ia pilih?

    meserrine_ · Urbano
  • Little Pistol - A Hamilton Jeffmads Fanfiction

    Jefferson always had a habit of watching this one boy in each class he shared with him. It was only two classes, two hours to see him each day. But it was enough time each day for him to fall into a deeper and deeper pit of hopeless love that never seemed to end. Jefferson didn't even know of they boy had acknowledged him, or stared back whenever Jefferson wasn't looking. One day, the boy decides to confront Jefferson. And he says one simple sentence that makes the world stop, makes his heart pound and the scattered moths in his stomach to become even more frantic. And god- he loves him so much that he can't refuse.

    FreshSliceOfLemon · Realista
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