
Review Detail of Ruthlesscat in Warlord of Chaos

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So far I’m 10 chapters in and I’ve already dropped this novel 10 times! A massive waste of time, I should charge the website SS for wasting my time! How is this novel any good or different from the other ones with a transmigrated Mc? It follows the same trend, determined Mc goes to new world, everything magically works for them, their mediocre intelligence and half assed planing gets praised and works, they fall for the first order chick( who btw is the loveliest maiden in the lands far and wide) and win with little trouble. Off the top of my head I can name at least ten titles that have the same plot with better world building and translation. Qidian needs to drop the repeated word fillers to focus on good stuff

Warlord of Chaos

Hit the Southern Wall

Curtido por 8 pessoas




I went easy on the review and try not to post bad reviews cuz well writing is hard but it’s crazy to think u can keep milking a cow without burning its tits off at some point!