
Review Detail of LupusDeus in Fenrir Rising

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Shamless author review here. First of all, I would just like to say that if you have any questions you can ask them here. Also, add me on discord and I'll send you a server invite. Discord name wolframsilverx Secondly. I fully understand that some characters, mainly Fenrir, might not seem to have any motives from the start. This will change overtime when he stops being a blank slate and develops his own personality. Thirdly. I do not plan my novels too far ahead in the future. I try to hint at things that might devolpe and be important in later chapters. I don't know where things will lead, so it'll be exciting for both of us as I write and you read. Forthly. Don't forget to leave a review, vote, and add this to your reading collection if you enjoy the story. Everytime you do, it motivates me to keep on writing.

Fenrir Rising


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