
Review Detail of DemonPrince1478 in Baki: Martial System

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Absolutely excellent story, character building and incredible fight scenes, but felt that a lot of character building was wasted with Xiao Li, I understand that as an author you need to keep reader attention so you have to succumb to reader pressure but still disappointing to see several chapters of character building wasted, I personally won’t be continuing but would very much like to say that you did incredible work as an author and hope the story continues strong.

Baki: Martial System


Curtido por 3 pessoas




Brother all I am going to say is Xiao Li isn't gone, u are in for a chapter if u stay, that's all I'll say...


Yeah I can see you have a good story going, and it’s amazing to see this level of quality out of what appears to be your first work, it’s just sad to see that the readers have such a say in how you progress, I’ll probably come back to this in the future or if you ever do a second novel. Keep up the good work you definitely have serious skill at writing and character development.

The_HonorableGhost:Brother all I am going to say is Xiao Li isn't gone, u are in for a chapter if u stay, that's all I'll say...

You don't understand nothing, that's all I'm going to say...of you think the readers made a choice of some kind by picking Diana over Xiao Li, u have no idea what I hav3 in store. you think I'm picking one over the other because of the vote or smt, no, the vote literally changes nothing...if your afraid Diana is going to take the spotlight or something, all I can say is keep reading...

DemonPrince1478:Yeah I can see you have a good story going, and it’s amazing to see this level of quality out of what appears to be your first work, it’s just sad to see that the readers have such a say in how you progress, I’ll probably come back to this in the future or if you ever do a second novel. Keep up the good work you definitely have serious skill at writing and character development.

Like I really appreciate the kind words, buts it's so hard when you subvert expectations and then they get subverted

DemonPrince1478:Yeah I can see you have a good story going, and it’s amazing to see this level of quality out of what appears to be your first work, it’s just sad to see that the readers have such a say in how you progress, I’ll probably come back to this in the future or if you ever do a second novel. Keep up the good work you definitely have serious skill at writing and character development.

thanks man, the climax has just happened around ch 62, it has everything ur looking for, plz just read it for me :3

DemonPrince1478:Yeah I can see you have a good story going, and it’s amazing to see this level of quality out of what appears to be your first work, it’s just sad to see that the readers have such a say in how you progress, I’ll probably come back to this in the future or if you ever do a second novel. Keep up the good work you definitely have serious skill at writing and character development.